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SOCI1010 – Essentials of Sociology A Down-to-Earth

Chapter QuestionsWriting Instructions Hello every one! Here are the instructions foranswering the chapter questions.For each chapter, I have chosen 2-3 questions for you to answer. Thesequestions cover the important parts of each chapter, and they are a way foryou to express your own personal reactions to the text. They are also a wayto show me you understand the material and reviewed the chapter online. Becreative! Have fun with this assignment. I look forward to reading yourperspectives!Start each page off with the following heading:Your NameCourse Number: SOCI1010-L-3Date: September 4, 2013Questions for Analysis: Chapter 1Also cut and paste this citation for the textbook:Essentials of Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach 11th Ed. By James M. Henslin. Pearson:Edwardsville, 2013. Pp. viii – 479.(Quotes: Quotations from textbook are welcome. Just include quotation marks andthe page number in parentheses: “Example” (Henslin, p.1)). Also include the question that you are answering in italics. Then write yourresponse below.1. According to Durkheim, why do Jews, Catholics and Protestants have different suiciderates? Please feel free to include your own personal reflections.Please answer in complete sentences. Usually each set of Questions forAnalysis includes two chapters. Each Chapter Questions includes asuggested length. Usually the length is 1-3 pages. I include these guidelineson each week’s Chapter Questions document.Paper settings should be in alignment left. Double spaced. 12 point font.Please delete any extra spaces. Two inch margins. Here are some tips and FAQs for Writing the Questions for AnalysisTips and FAQs- – Illustrate your brain’s interaction with the readings. Focus on ANALYSIS (notsummary).Try and introduce the main idea of your paragraph in the first few sentences of eachparagraph. This will make your paper easier to follow. It also helps the reader understandthe purpose of each paragraph in the first few lines.You are free to use the text book as much or as little as you want; just show me that youunderstand the concept in the book.Illustrate your knowledge of the text with details and vocabulary words when possible.* I will include additional details on the audio slides to help clarify ideas that pertain tothe questions of analysis.Things to AVOID: – Do not use contractions (such as ain’t, can’t and shouldn’t).Do not use “a lot” in your paper.Do not use split infinitives, such as “to quickly run”.Avoid long paragraphs. (Try to create a new paragraph after 6-8 sentences). Questions for Analysis I: Chapters 1 and 2Chapters 1: Write a paragraph or more on each of the following questions, (unless specified.)1. According to Durkheim, why do Jews, Catholics and Protestants have different suicide rates?Please feel free to include your own personal reflections.2. The three major sociological theories were introduced in this chapter. Symbolic Interactionism,Functionalism, and Conflict Theory. Briefly explain each theory in a sentence or two, and explainwhy these theories illustrate “macro” or “micro” Sociology.3. Briefly (in a few sentences) explain why Emile Durkheim’s study on suicide illustratesFunctionalism.Doing Sociological Research4. In the following question, identify the independent variable, the dependent variable, the controlgroup and the experimental groups. (short answer) I would like to conduct a study to see if there is a relationship between stress levels and the amount oftime spent listening to music. I have three subjects, subject A, subject B and subject C, and I havearranged an experiment. Each subject was given a different amount of music to listen to over the courseof one day. A was given three hours of music to listen to. Subject B, listened to a half hour of music.Subject C did not listen to any music. The stress levels were then recorded among all three subjects.

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