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UMBC WRITING 101 – The impact of science and technology

HistoryQuestion 1You will do One of these exams in a 3-4 page essay (1,000 words or more, for each essay) which answers all of questions posed and offers specific evidence and examples. Draw specific evidence from the identifications you studied and materials we covered in the course.Examine the impact of science and technology on the workplace, home, and society. In what way did women’s role, family life, and the work and leisure habits of Europeans change in the period between the 18th century and late 20th century as a result of the influences of science and technology?Question 2Do an analysis of ONE of the primary source documents. Provide an historical context of the country and communism as it existed. You will choose ONE to answer. These are excerpts and you should identify the author and provide a context about when and why it was written using the formula and guide to primary source reading that I provided. Then there are questions at the end which will help to guide you as to what questions you should address. Be sure you also ask what is missing and not in the document that might have needed addressed.This second essay should be about 2 pages, double-spaced.Havel’s New Year’s Address to the Nation, 1990The dissident Czech writer Václav Havel endured decades of political persecution before being elected Czechoslovakia’s (later divided into the Czech Republic and Slovakia) first post-socialist president. That Havel, who had been imprisoned multiple times for his participation in the Prague Spring of 1968 and the signing of Charter 77 Manifesto, became president is an important indicator of the immense changes caused by the collapse of Eastern European socialism. His inaugural address to the nation in 1990 was notable for its frankness. He described the country’s economy, educational system and environment as being effectively in ruins. He also used his inaugural address to promise transparency, the restoration of the country’s important institutions from decades of neglect, and respect for all citizens.Source: Václav Havel, “New Year’s Address to the Nation,” speech, Czechoslovakia, January 1, 1990, Czech Republic Presidential Website, Speeches Czech Republic (accessed March 1, 2007).Primary Source—Excerpt, Prague, January 1, 1990″My dear fellow citizens,For forty years you heard from my predecessors on this day different variations on the same theme: how our country was flourishing, how many million tons of steel we produced, how happy we all were, how we trusted our government, and what bright perspectives were unfolding in front of us.I assume you did not propose me for this office so that I, too, would lie to you.Our country is not flourishing. The enormous creative and spiritual potential of our nations is not being used sensibly. Entire branches of industry are producing goods that are of no interest to anyone, while we are lacking the things we need. A state which calls itself a workers’ state humiliates and exploits workers. Our obsolete economy is wasting the little energy we have available. A country that once could be proud of the educational level of its citizens spends so little on education that it ranks today as seventy-second in the world. We have polluted the soil, rivers and forests bequeathed to us by our ancestors, and we have today the most contaminated environment in Europe. Adults in our country die earlier than in most other European countries. . .But all this is still not the main problem. The worst thing is that we live in a contaminated moral environment. We fell morally ill because we became used to saying something different from what we thought. We learned not to believe in anything, to ignore one another, to care only about ourselves. Concepts such as love, friendship, compassion, humility or forgiveness lost their depth and dimension, and for many of us they represented only psychological peculiarities, or they resembled gone astray greetings from ancient times, a little ridiculous in the era of computers and spaceships. Only a few of us were able to cry out loudly that the powers that be should not be all-powerful and that the special farms, which produced ecologically pure and top-quality food just for them, should send their produce to schools, children’s homes and hospitals if our agriculture was unable to offer them to all. The previous regime – armed with its arrogant and intolerant ideology – reduced man to a force of production, and nature to a tool of production. In this it attacked both their very substance and their mutual relationship. It reduced gifted and autonomous people, skillfully working in their own country, to the nuts and bolts of some monstrously huge, noisy and stinking machine, whose real meaning was not clear to anyone. It could not do more than slowly but inexorably wear out itself and all its nuts and bolts.”My second task is to guarantee that we approach these elections as two self-governing nations who respect each other’s interests, national identity, religious traditions, and symbols. As a Czech who has given his presidential oath to an important Slovak who is personally close to him, I feel a special obligation — after the bitter experiences that Slovaks had in the past — to see that all the interests of the Slovak nation are respected and that no state office, including the highest one, will ever be barred to it in the future.People, your government has returned to you!”How to Cite this Source.President Václav Havel, “Havel’s New Year’s Address to the Nation, 1990,” Making the History of 1989, Item #111, http://chnm.gmu.edu/1989/items/show/111 (accessed March 2, 2016).Questions to consider in writing your analysis.1. According to the excerpt from Havel’s inaugural address, what did Havel think was the worst legacy of communism in Czechoslovakia?2. How does the substance of Havel’s speech embody the remedy that he thinks is needed for the country’s ills?3. How did Havel view the relations between Czechs and Slovaks, and how was this significant?4. How did Havel differ from the approach of Alexander Dub?ek in 1968?5. What important issues might Havel not addressed or foreseen?

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