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Response in Business

Discussion Response in Business 5

Discussion response to 3 original post. 1/2 page per topic….APA format.
(1) LEARNING ACTIVITY 2 to Respond to (RW)

First off, I recommend viewing this video of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner because it’s awesome! https://www.youtube.com/watch v=CwxGDdsI_bU&feature=youtu.be . It’s

amazing how far flight has come, and I’m in agreeance with Klaus Brauer, Boeing’s Director of Passenger Satisfaction, when he said “it’s unfortunate that flight is no

longer looked at as [a] magical [experience]” during his interview with CBS news reporter Hattie Kauffman.

a) The short interview clip about the Boeing 787 showed evidence that the teams involved with the creation and development of the 787 used the creative decision making

process. First off, they identified the problem which was unsatisfied customers due to little to no room inside the cabin of aircrafts. Which lets face it, noone likes

flying unless they are flying first class, and even first class flying is not particularly something that passengers want to embark on. Of course if one is required to

travel, than first class would definitely be the way to go, but it’s not realistic travel for the lot of us (assumingly). Cramped seating, little leg room, food trays

that come down and make you feel like a T-rex eating with little arms…does not sound that appealing. After Boeing identified the problem, immersion takes place by

the gathering of information. For example, interviewing customers about their thoughts on airlines and their services. Then the incubation sat in, meaning that each

individual involved sets aside the problem, but is unconsciously working on what can be done to solve the problem. After this step was Boeing’s Eureka moment, or the

illumination moment, or the “AH HA!” moment. Let’s rebuild the interior of the plane, Boeing thought. Questions like where can we make room for passengers How can we

make the passengers feel like they have more room and comfortability, etc. Then verification and application came in. In other words the decision maker consciously

verified the feasibility of revamping the interior of Boeing passenger planes and implements the decision to do so. It’s clear that the creative decision making

process was used during Boeing’s revamp of their passenger planes because Bauer explains what his company has done to make flight magical again, and how they went

about obtaining the information about the problem and what can be done to fix the problem.

b) It’s highly unlikely that Boeing, a leading manufacturer of commercial jetliners, was not aware of how small the seats are and how much customers do not like them.

After all that was customers’ main complaint throughout the CBS video, and no company is going to revamp a whole commercial airliner to increase customer satisfaction

when they don’t know the complaints that customers had in the first place. In other words, Boeing was likely aware of how customers felt about the seating arrangements

in commercial airliners. This is concluded also because Boeing’s design of the 787 focused on creating, what feels like to fliers, more room.

As mentioned in this week’s reading, creativity has three elements in decision making that researchers focus on. They are fluency, flexibility, and originality

(Organizational Behavior, 2014, p 465). Although each is defined separately and looked at individually by researchers , the combination of these three factors are, and

can be used, during the decision making process. Furthermore, a combination of these elements will help teams, groups, departments, and/or organizations reach their

maximum potential on a specific task because these elements of creativity each deploy their own focus and approach throughout the decision making process. It’s highly

likely that those individuals involved in the interior design of the 787 brought each of the aforementioned creative elements to the table. A larger restroom, for

example, can be a combination of both originality and fluency. Or in other words the amount of ideas generated from one individual and the idea’s uniqueness

(Organizational Behavior, 2014, p 465).

(2) Learning Activity 2 to Respond to (GH)

Has there been a time in which you have had a conflict either at work or at school Describe the conflict and state what type of conflict it was.
I have been exposed to several conflicts within my career. The most common conflicts that we have in today���s military is from limited resources (mostly due to lack of


With that on the table, I will discuss the most common type of conflict, the intergroup conflict (Organizational Behavior, 2014). The intergroup conflict that happens

frequently in the Navy and is normally related to the lack time. These types of conflicts are normally functional and productive in the long run.
In the Navy you have a set routine every day. You all request slots of time via a Planning Board for Training (PB4T). The problem that normally arises is the multiple

requirements that are stacked on top of each other. Every department thinks his requirement is the most important to seeing the command succeed and so the conflict

ensures. This board is governed by the Executive Officer (XO) to whom each department must plead their case and work together to plan around each requirement.

Although most of the discussions do get heated, we as a group usually negotiate the schedule to the best of our ability and the XO steps in when we can���t come to

resolution. We experience all levels of cooperation. The different departments will apply several levels of conflict handling styles to include accommodation,

collaboration, compromise, competition, and even avoidance (Organizational Behavior, 2014).

To what extent do you attempt to satisfy your own concerns when you���re trying to resolve a conflict
Normally, we at the Department Head level we will try to not put our concerns about what is good for the command. We do negotiate resolution as best as possible to

meet mission requirements. That being said, not always is this easy.

To what extent do you attempt to satisfy the other party��� concerns when you���re trying to resolve a conflict
Much like the answer above, in my organization putting your needs or another���s needs in front of the commands needs is not practiced very often, but it does happen. We

try to limit this and use the XO to moderate.

Organizational Behavior (2014). Washington, D.C.: The Saylor Foundation

(3) Learning Activity #2 to Respond to (PB)

What evidence did you see of creativity in the decision making process used in designing the Boeing 787 What process would you have used to improve creativity in the

Boing was creative in a few ways in designing their new 787 We can see evidence of creativity in the interior layout in the plane, the mood lighting, the seats, the

bathroom with the window, the dimming windows, and much more we still have to see. They have done a great job thus far to improve our experience during our flight. I

personally would ask frequent flyers what they would appreciate in the new 787. I would also send members of the design team all over the world to try and get an idea

on what to make new based on the different cultural views (Cooper,2014). This would help ensure that not only the American passengers would enjoy the new 787 but also

the rest of the world.

Passengers interviewed in the clip all seemed to want bigger seats, yet the seats in the 787 Dreamliner are not any bigger. Since it seems unlikely that Boeing was not

aware of the desire for bigger seats, why do you suppose larger seats were not included in the design, yet larger restrooms were
By making the seats bigger Boing would be losing passenger capacity and thus carrying less people. This could mean two things that either Boing would be losing money

on each trip, which is highly unlikely, or they prices of the tickets would go up. Boing resolved the seat issues by making the seats thinner in the areas where we now

find the most discomfort so although, the seat space is the same it may feel bigger and more comfortable because there is a little extra legroom. The restrooms didn���t

seem much bigger than the current ones. Also, the may have been able to make the bathrooms wider since they could have extended them further into the corridor of the

place, where there are no seats anyways. Lastly, being able to look outside will help people feel less claustrophobic.


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