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Technology’s impact.

Technology’s impact.
Technology pushes society when:

Technology’s impact:

Technology’s impact is:

The goal of management of technology and innovation in an organization should always be to:

There are several definitions of technology in the text; all the definitions have some common elements. Each definition implies:

Technology can be broadly defined as:

Evaluation and control of technology is the:

The management of technology is defined as the linking of different disciplines to:

Innovation can be defined as:

All of the following are elements of strategic management EXCEPT:

__________ are the monitoring of technology to ensure that it meets the desired outcomes.

Firms that manage innovation well have which of the following characteristics

Technology is defined to include ____ employed in producing a good or service.

Benefits of innovation include all of the following except:

Drawbacks of innovation include all of the following except:

The first question that should take place as the firm conducts it innovation strategy planning is ____

Systems integration:

Process innovation focuses on ____.

Reengineering’s goals include all of the following except:

To create an environment for innovation a manager must understand all of the following except

How should you describe the innovation process

Seek a balance of behaviors

Which is not one of the four critical elements to implementing innovation as a strategy in the organization

For successful innovation implementation leaders need to ensure;

Innovative organizations typically are founded and lead by;

Informal power comes from:

A leader should ask all of the following questions in the implementation process except:
Is there an open, questioning attitude among employees

The three methods that can help to establish the view by employees that they are part of the organization or system are all of the following except:

Mentoring can be ____ to be successful:

Benchmarking involves the:

Extension occurs when _____ and _____ competencies are understood sufficiently so that ideas lead to action.

One of the primary reasons firms have difficulty being innovative is:

The strategic reasons a firm would look to use a merger or acquisition include all of the following except:

The key element of planning externally focused technology acquisition efforts is to:

A _______ is defined as a partnership of two more corporations to achieve strategically significant objectives that are mutually beneficial.

Mergers and acquisitions can allow a firm to accomplish a variety of strategic goals. Which one is not associated with the purchasing firm

The outright purchase of a firm or some part of that firm is known as:

The keys in planning for a merger or acquisition includes all of the following except:

Key expectations should take priority in the integration effort except in which area.

The three elements that need to be considered in integration are:

The reasons that training and development are so important in the execution of an alliance or merger/acquisition include:

The losses an employee can feel during integration typically can include all of the following except:

The basis for competitive advantage of a technology focused firm ___.

All of the following are strategic capabilities that a firm needs for success except __.

When a company is developing its capabilities, it should do all of the following except:

The key sustainable competitive advantages for a firm using an internal innovation strategy include

The result of a competitive advantage should focus on ___.

For technology oriented firms, it is important for managers to understand that value must be

The ___ view of the firm argues that industry structure is the principal determinant of profitability.

All of the following would be intangible resources except ___.

The most common sources of competitive advantage would be ____.

Each of the following is a step in the value creation process except ___.

The foundation which must be present before an organization can effectively conduct implementation is ___

Learning in the organization is the ___.

Explicit knowledge is ____.

Organizational learning is the ____.

The type and the amount of learning that must take place for the firm to compete successfully depends upon

The firm’s ability to learn

The greater organizational learning will occur when ___.

Organizations that are structured for learning are characterized by all of the following except ____.

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