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Research Papers on the Exploitation of Women

Research Papers on the Exploitation of Women
Exploitation of Women research papers show how women have been abused for Centuries and analyzes the work of writers like Mary Wollstonecraft.
Research papers on the exploitation of women can be written from a variety of viewpoints. For example, the sociological exploitation issues include how society allows the exploitation of women. Paper Masters will custom write a research paper on any topic regarding the exploitation of women. Possible topics include:

The historical tracing of exploitation of women
The exploitation of women in pornography
The exploitation of women economically in the workplace
The exploitation of women in art and film

It would be unbelievable if one day it was discovered that 50 percent of the world’s population has remained basically repressed into invisibility for centuries. However, for centuries, academic and social resources, past and present, are filled with unfavorable images of this group and they are often still treated like objects and possessions. They have adorned public places since early Roman and Greek sculpture’s displayed them on pedestals as the finest of artistic expression. Today many of those nude “artistic” images have become pornographic and are displayed publicly on street corners, in strip clubs, on television, in the movies and globally over the Internet. That 50 percent of the population so often disregarded is the feminine half of the human race.

Exploitation of Women in the Middle Ages
In the fourth century B.C. Aristotle argued that women were deformities of nature. In the Middle Ages and Renaissance period, women were defined as evil, sorcerers or witches if they expressed any intellectual or educational aspirations at all. Through business contracts, girls were passed from father to husband by apprenticeship or marriage as early as the age of twelve and the church laws not only permitted wife beating, but was known to support it more than a few times.
Male domination changed little through the centuries. Women were to be submissive and selfless in caring for the husbands and children’s every wish. A 17th century female writer, Margaret Cavendish, described women’s lives this way, “(men) would fain bury us in their houses or beds, as in a grave. The truth is, we live like bats or owls, labor like beasts, and die like worms”. A century later another woman author, Mary Wollstonecraft, shared her social era’s definition of women stating, “She was created to be the toy of man, his rattle, and it must jingle in his ears whenever, dismissing reason, he chooses to be amused”.

Exploitation of Women and Laws
We live three centuries later and men are still using women for their toys, paying for their services, abusing them whenever they choose to do so. In the United States there are official laws to protect twelve-year old girls now from being transferred from father to husband. But, socially no one really enforces age standards on behavior nor is there an implicit code everyone abides by — a system of morality that respects the rights of all persons.

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