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A protection of environment essay : practical issues

How to write a protection of environment essay : the most important things to consider

Indubitably, one of the toughest challenges that are faced by modern society is environmental protection, and this issue appears again and again in the vast range of economic and social contexts solely in every country and on the international level as well. The student whose academic duty is to investigate the topic before writing an environment protection essay should take into account that the implementation of environmental regulation often significantly depends on the activity of environmental enforcement authorities. Thus, if the written assignment is represented by an analytical essay then it is crucial for the student to know that such authorities work primarily by focusing on the traditional methods of control, regulation and command. The role of regulation is not restricted by simply monitoring and inspecting areas under control, but also includes taking enforcement action. However, nowadays, the situation has slightly changed as the range of alternatives and different approaches has been significantly increased. Still, many countries use enforcement as the leading approach of their environmental protection policy.

The structures, powers and duties of environmental enforcement authorities are characterized by a vast diversity of fundamental principles, thus representing a great topic for an protection of environment essay. Moreover, this is a virtually infinite subject to every learner who knowshow to write a speech and is eager to practice his or her eloquence. Although, the students cannot proceed to discussing practical issues without considering the wider context of any possible topic suitable for a protection of environment essay. Therefore, they should examine carefully the nature of regulation, asking themselves all the time if its basic strategies are effective. Only after they understand completely the functioning of the regulatory cycle they are allowed to discuss and criticize the approaches of modern regulatory authorities as well as suggest and comment ideas on better regulation and improved impact on such environmental regulatory policies.

A protection of environment essay : how we are to change approaches to environmental regulation and protection

If we were talking about regulation as rules set out in law, it could be said that our definition points out an intention; however, we also can define regulation as a process by attaching to it the functions of the inspection and permitting activities, which constitute duties of an environmental enforcement authority. Certainly, the ability to provide an analysis of authority’s activity should forestall attempts to establish a working scheme of practical approaches; in other words, the student should understand how to critique an article as well as have a well-proven reputation of activist who is eager to apply actual efforts to protect environment, essay writing skills and academic efficiency notwithstanding. Recently, the critical questions regarding the nature of environmental regulation have arisen, putting an emphasis on the importance of both an academic and practitioner perspectives. How exactly can we improve existing regulatory regimes? What alternative regimes based on different approaches and strategies can we suggest for achieving the desired efficacy?

Let us look at some crucial points for a protection of environment essay that mark the situation of a global environmental regulation paradigm change:

  • today many governments all around the world are demonstrating a profound comprehension of the mistaken or ungrounded evaluations of the risks and needful efforts to overcome the environmental challenges approaches to which have been developing ineffectively for a number of years. For instance, now we can clearly see that the problems of uncontrolled discharge of garbage and dangerous pollutants are sufficiently resolved at least in many industrialized countries. Nowadays, the focus of topics for a protection of environment essay should be shifted from the protection issues to somewhat wider issues, such as energy efficiency, continual improvement, product quality and resource use. Also, we can notice an increasing importance of topics of a protection of animals essay.
  • the shift in demanding problems understanding aside, we should pay attention to the changes of the economic climate, when choosing a topic for a protection of environment essay. Thus, totally new levels of international collaboration and competition are being accompanied by the globalization of challenges as well. Obviously, not only in the US and western Europe but in many other countries too, including several ones in South-East Asia, a neoliberal agenda has become an ordinary and ubiquitous practice. Such political changes, both global and local, have made a noticeable impact on regulatory activity. Hence, knowledgeable and experienced authors of peer reviewed articles related to geopolitical subjects and international environmental law are more than welcome to provide their well-written samples on an ‘essay of environment ’, so to speak.
  • finally, we should look closely at changes in the social context and estimate the words of the politicians that have a say in the field of public relations. Thus, the reasoning of the decision makers is questioned rarely; although, also there are quite many skeptical and cynical positions regarding possible improvements and proper adjustments of environmental regulation. It is perfectly clear that an increasing mistrust (as an author of a protection of environment essay may want to put it) of technology-based methods of decision-making represents a unique and sometimes unexpected challenge to the implementation of the policies of environmental enforcement authorities. A well-grounded critical work performed in MLA essay format will be a perfect choice for the student who decides to investigate the subject of public relations that are significant to environmental protection more thoroughly.

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