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Fight cruelty with your informative domestic violence essay

The most brutal writing work every: a domestic violence essay

It’s so sad that violence is an inevitable part of our human life. It feels like in this regard human beings have left the animal world behind. Violence can be defined as a fundamental violation of human rights, not to mention freedom. It lowers individual welfare. Exactly in this domestic violence essay , we’ll talk about domestic violence. The given type of violence has an extremely negative impact on women’s political and economic participation. Apart from that, it drastically boosts poverty, by simply jeopardizing the victim’s physical as well as mental health. In many countries marital rape isn’t a rare thing to our great regret. This crime often has tough consequences and that’s especially true for countries with HIV prevalence. To efficiently fight domestic violence a series of resolute steps need to be taken. For instance, we can put this issue on the agenda and integrate data on domestic violence in some mainstream statistical publications. As for your personal role here, you can try to write an essay domestic violence . We hope you won’t have any problems with picking up the right domestic violence essay topics . Really, that’s not so difficult, as you see domestic violence almost everywhere. Just stick to a good domestic violence essay outline and start fighting this social vice.

By the way, statistics on domestic violence can be helpful when it comes to explaining economic gender differences. Gender-based violence dominates in the countries with home-based economic activity. In poor countries out-of home economic opportunities are very limited and this often leads to gender-based violence.

For centuries, gender-based violence has been an internal family matter. Furthermore, gathering data about such crimes as sexual harassment or domestic violence may appear to be rather a risky thing. In some countries it’s not advisable to add modules on this type of violence to standard social and economic surveys. It’s clear that asking about violence in the households with a perpetrator, can drastically increase the risk of future domestic violence. We ought to attract more public attention to this problem by writing high quality domestic violence essays .

The anatomy of domestic violence

Domestic violence can take a wide range of shapes and affect different people. Of course, reasons may greatly vary for child/spousal abuse, however, none are fully justified. In spite of the fact, special community programs are becoming more active, mankind hasn’t found a universal solution to this problem yet. The matter is that on the micro level the whole responsibility of elimination of domestic violence rests entirely on the victim. As for the macro level, we need to look at our society more critically. We require analyzing why we’re facing such an immense problem. It’s up to us to find effective ways to correct it.

There’re a great number of reasons why spouses decide to beat their kids or wives. One of the most common explanation is frustration. In up-to-date families men have to endure a tough burden of responsibilities. In some families wives work, but even in this case, the male feels the whole power of responsibility of being the breadwinner. If for some reason he finds himself unable to play this honored role, he may feel insecure and threatened. Unfortunately, in such situations men are prone to convert their suppressed state into violent anger attacks. Unfortunately, anyone, including kids can suddenly become a victim of such attacks.

Another factor that may drastically increase the probability of domestic violence is the use of drugs or alcohol. Many parents are used to taking too much alcohol. That sounds weird and even terrible, but the vast majority of victims prefer staying with their spouse-offender after being abused by him or her. Unfortunately, victims’ patience is a huge problem of domestic violence. It’s very hard and perhaps almost impossible to find an effective solution against it. Many victims of domestic violence tell that they don’t have any choice except staying with their cruel spouse. As you know, a traditional one-income family can’t offer a woman anything more prestige than a role of homemaker. That especially applies to unskilled women, who don’t have an opportunity to break up with their spouse due to financial reasons. Others stay in the family because of kids. They consider kids to be a solid guarantee against a sudden divorce. Those passive by nature often think that they need to wait for some time and domestic violence will fade away soon. Unfortunately, violence doesn’t leave completely, especially in a repeatedly abusive family.

Our masculine machismo culture has a great impact on boys, while girls are taught to be feminine and passive. Most probably, exactly this outdate patriarchal system is the root of this social vice. It’s up to us to dispel the theory that women need to be absolutely different from men in their socialization. Otherwise, we’ll never defeat domestic violence.

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