Just a few details about a living in a foreign country essay
Undoubtedly, going to a foreign country has always been a unique and interesting personal experience. At least for the first time, many people perceive it as a fantastic opportunity to stay in a magically new world, where everything has nothing to do with terrible grieves of a native country. At this stage people even subconsciously avoid admitting an idea that there’s a bad side in it. However, just like a new toy, we get used to it and gradually understand the whole reality of the situation. After talking to a great number of foreigners living in Japan, I suddenly discovered that there’re four major stages of culture shock. Let’s tell more about them in this living in a foreign country essay.
Well, our living in a foreign country essay should start with a heaven. Yes, that’s the first stage of culture shock. Having arrived at Japan, every day people stumble on lots of new experiences happening one after another. To some extent, that resembles love at first sight. When I first came to Japan, every day I was busy with doing fun things, including eating out, karaoke, parties and so on. At that time I thought that Japan was a great place to live. Indeed, there’re a lot of positive things in this country. For example, that’s a very safe country, it’s stuffed with interesting places and the vast majority of Japanese people are kind.
Unfortunately, fun can’t penetrate every sphere of life, no matter where you live. So, we’ve come up to the second stage, which is criticism. Sure, we can’t overlook this in our living in a city essay. At the second stage of living in a foreign country I realized that there were a slew of negative things in the so-called «perfect Japan». I no longer idealized it and got down to criticizing. The first downside of staying there was an absolute inability to get Japanese to talk to me like a normal guy, without complimenting me.
Another negative side of my Japanese experience to be mentioned in this living in the city essay is discrimination. Yes, it’s hard to believe this, but I really came across a sort of discrimination in this Asian country. In this case, I don’t mean that I was looked down upon. No, that’s not true, but I was looked at as an alien, a special person or something like this. Certainly, when you’re a white person in Japan, you always stand out from others, to put it mildly. To be exact, I was watched everywhere, including trains, schools, streets and it was an extremely unpleasant experience. As for me, I perceived that as an illegal form of discrimination. By the way, one of my Japanese friends told me that there were spas in Hokkaido, forbidden for foreigners. Additionally, you can be discriminated when it comes to searching for an apartment. Many apartment complexes are privately owned enterprises. That’s why prohibiting foreigners is absolutely legal, regardless of obvious discrimination. The length of the second phase greatly varies from person to person. As for me, it lasted for about three months.
The third stage is known as acceptance. It’s clear that if there were only bad things in Japan, the vast majority of foreigners would go home. Accordingly, this country offers a bunch of positive things too. That’s what many foreigners realize at this stage. This understanding makes them accept this country as it is. There’s no need to explain how acceptance helps to live in Japan, though it works for any other country.
The fourth stage is known as assimilation. When somebody lives in a certain place for a long time, he becomes just like the people around him. However, only a few people can reach this stage. Others will get back to their own countries after a while, so they don’t need to be like the Japanese. Nevertheless, those who have already passed this stage almost don’t differ from the Japanese nation. Mention this fact in your life in a big city essay.
It’s clear that some people never undergo these four stages. Nevertheless, some foreigners agree that the social phenomenon described above is real.
What can we do to withstand this powerful culture shock? Fortunately, wise people have already come up with pretty good suggestions for this situation:
You require joining a club where you can meet other transplants and get familiar with their unique experiences.
You can obtain actual information about the country you’re going to visit from corresponding email subscription in language, of course.
You can try assimilating through sports clubs, places of worship, schools.
Develop solid relationships with the families of your coworkers.
If somebody in your family requires serious medical attention, you’d better learn as much as you can about the available medical system in advance.
It makes sense to volunteering your time to a local organization. This will give you enough experience to adapt to life in a foreign country.
It’s up to you to find a good doctor immediately especially if you have small children. A foreign environment and a new climate may appear to be hard for your immune system. Look for some relevant information on immunizations.
If there’s a national crisis, you might have to evacuate yourself and your family as fast as you can. Think how you could do it. Monitor travel warnings on corresponding websites.
Make sure you’ve taken all the necessary measures against local security concerns, such as hiring a body guard, kidnapping insurance, etc.
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