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Finding the molar mass of sucrose and understanding the term

What is the molar mass of sucrose

There is a great chance that within your chemistry studies you will face various chemical problems related to the calculation of the molar mass of different substances. In order to be able to deal with this task, not to get scared every time you are assigned something like this and to understand the methodology, main principle of dealing with this problem, you need to learn it and comprehend once and for all. It will take certain efforts and time, of course, but once you got the skill of finding out the molar mass of sucrose, you will not be scared of this chemical problem anymore and who knows, maybe you will need this knowledge in the future. Apart from knowing the practical side, you need to get some theoretical knowledge at first, build essential background for further dealing with this aspect of chemistry. Below in the article, you are going to get familiar with some information that will hopefully not only give you all the needed theoretical background, explain how to find the molar mass of sucrose, but also will guide you trough accomplishing your laboratory report on chemistry. Therefore, keep reading carefully.

In terms of chemistry, when we talk about the molar mass we should mean a particular physical property that identifies the mass of certain substance, which is divided by the amount of substance. At the same time, the amount of substance is a chemical term describing defined quantity that is used to measure the size of a particular number of ensemble of different chemical elementary entities, including but not limited to electrons, molecules, atoms and a number of others. The molar mass is expressed usually in grams/moles due to various historical reasons. In other words, taking into consideration that any kind of mass, whether in chemistry or in any other science, serves to describe how much matter there is in something, like in a substance (if it comes to chemistry), or just in any other material that you can physically touch. By saying «matter» we mean something that one can touch physically (anything around you, things, food, cloths and so on). In most of cases mass has to do with such property as size, although there are also exceptions. For example, sometimes something can have a big size but it has less mass that something that has smaller size. You can face it when comparing stone and wood, for instance. Stone may be smaller, but it will have more mass that a piece of wood of the same size. However, you can always measure both of these properties and there are different ways to do that. Below, you will find the explanation of how to calculate such physical property as the molar mass of sucrose.

The history of sucrose and sugar

The sucrose is a commonly accepted name for carbohydrate that the majority of different plants, as well as parts of plants usually include. At that time, there is often used also the term «saccharose» but it describes all the sugars as a whole. The history of usage of the term «sucrose» began in the nineteenth century when it was applied for the first time by English chemist. The term was originated from the French language meaning «sugar» by adding to this word the chemical suffix used for describing sugars. As a matter of fact, in different areas of science the word «suc» is usually used for identifying sucrose.

The sugar that is commonly known and used all over the world has a very long history. While today this matter is widely used as a part of nutrition in almost every country of the world, for the first time it was applied in accordance with its today’s meaning by Indians. A lot of scientists argue that sugar was used more than two thousand years ago. As a matter of fact, the history of sugar and its usage has several stages, each of which is characterized by certain events and phases of its usage and spreading throughout the world. The most significant stages of the history of sugar are the following:

  • Discovering of sugar by means of extracting it from the plant known as sugarcane. Once it was discovered, it was domesticated almost at the same time in several regions of Southeast Asia more than three thousand of years ago. Still, scientists are not ready to announce the precise data of sugar discovery.
  • The next stage is characterized by manufacturing of the granules of the cane sugar. These granules were manufactured from the juice of the plant known as sugarcane. This stage took place in the regions of Southeast Asia, but mostly in India more than a couple of thousands years ago. Manufacturing of the sugar granules was followed by development of producing the crystal granules and its further improvement.
  • The third stage of the history of sugar is known as the spreading of growing, manufacturing and cultivation of sugarcanes and its appearance in the Eastern regions, primarily of the Muslim countries. At the very same time, the period is also characterized by certain improvements of the methods of growing, manufacturing and cultivation of sugar.
  • The West part of the world saw sugar for the first time in the seventeenth century. It was manufactured to the both parts of America and in a hundred of years there was already a big break in the improvement and development of the production of the sugar within the territory of America. All the following centuries were also characterized by significant progress in this area of industry.
  • The last significant stage of the history of the sugar began in the nineteenth century. This stage is known as the period of the development all kinds of sweeteners that are known today. The end of the stage is considered to be the twentieth century, even though there was no considerable progress in its development since that time, so some scientists argue that the fifth stage is still continuing.

At the times when people began using sugar widely enough, starting from the eleventh century, it was a rather expensive kind of spice and not everyone could allow himself such a pleasure to use it. However, it is known that the sixteenth century brought significant improvements in the manufacturing of this spice due to technological discoveries and improvements. Therefore, the usage of sugar became more available to many people, even those who were not really rich.

Some of the historians dealing with research on the issue of appearance of sugar and its usage in the world, argue that it was used for the first time more than ten thousands years ago. The location where the sugar was discovered was New Guinea, but the place where the production of sugar was cultivated is considered to be India. In the middle ages there was a number of problems in regard no only to the cultivation of sugar, but also to its transportation. First of all, the production and cultivation was difficult because of the high intensiveness of the labour. At the same time, the problems with transportation were caused by the fact that the process was very costly, especially when it came to the transportation to other continents by ships.

Till the end of the middle ages the process of sugar transportation was improved and developed a lot due to the technological process, which led to the increase of the number of countries using sugar for their needs. The peak of the popularity of the sweet spice however, is considered to be during the eighteenth century. It became an essential part of cuisine in Great Britain and a number of other European countries and caused many changes in eating habits of the majority of the countries in the world. The sugar industry was a very profitable way of making money.

Steps for calculating the molar mass of sucrose

It is known that atoms are very small, which makes it impossible to measure the mass of that or another chemical substance in a meaningful way. So, due to this factor, scientists have discovered a comfortable way to deal with meaningful amounts of chemical substances. They decided to divide all the chemical substances into groups of units. These groups of units are usually called moles, which gave the name of the mass you are currently learning, the molar mass. A mole is a particular number of atoms, which is considered to be constant, like all the other items describing the mass of something. This particular number of atoms is applied as the number of atoms for all existing chemical substances. Thus, the mass of a piece of chemical substance, which is one mole, is considered to be the molar mass.

No that you are aware of some basic facts and definitions concerning molar mass of sucrose, which is the mass of one mole of the substance of sucrose that is presented in grams, you can calculate the molar mass of sucrose by means of using the mass of atoms (that the substance of sucrose consists of) and multiplying the atom mass. Look below and follow the steps describing all the process of calculating the molar mass of sucrose very attentively.

  • First of all, you will have to find the so-called relative mass of the atom of the particular element. By relative mass, we mean the average mass of the isotopes that the element consists of. When undertaking this step, you will need the help of the periodic table of elements, where you can find the needed element and certain number below under the symbol identifying the element.
  • The next step is going to be multiplying of the molar mass constant by the mass of the relative atom. Here, it is important to be very careful when converting atomic units to grans per mole, because this is what the result of your measurement depends on.
  • Once the previous step is successfully undertaken, you will have to look for relevant chemical formula that can be used when dealing with that or another compound. When saying «compound», we mean the defined number of atoms that every element o the substance consists of.
  • After that, you will have to deal with calculating of the molar mass of every element that the compound that you have includes. Here, it is necessary to multiply the mass of the atoms of that or another element by the defined number of atoms, that every element of your compound consists of. By means of this, you will find out what relative amount is contributed by every element of your compound.
  • Your next step is going to be adding of the molar masses of every element that the compound consists of to each other. You have already calculated the molar mass of all these elements when undertaking the previous step and this step will allow you to identify the molar mass for the overall compound that you have. So, you need to take all the products that you have already received, calculate them by adding to each other and thus, you will get the molar mass of the given compound.

The steps provided above will help you deal with finding the molar mass of sucrose and learning essential basics of the history of the sugar, the stages of development of its production, manufacturing, cultivation and transportation and other interesting information.

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