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DeVry CRMJ415 Full Course Latest 2017 January

CRMJ415 Week 1 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 January
dq 1

Defining Deviance (graded)

TCO 1 reminds us that the concept of deviance has existed in
everyday life throughout history and in all societies. Let’s start our
discussion by addressing this question:

In American society, many people have tattoos. If someone has a tattoo, does
that automatically mean he or she is deviant? Why or why not?

Before responding try using “History of Tattoos” as key words in a
Google search and see what you can find. Did you know that scientists believe
to have found tattoo-like markings on the preserved body of a man dating back
before 3000 B.C.E.? What is the likelihood that societies during this time had
accepted social norms and that one of those norms promoted body art? Wouldn’t
it be interesting to learn what purpose was assigned to this form of

dq 2

Studying Deviance

One of the key concepts associated with TCO 1
relates to studying deviance. When studying deviant behavior, sociologists use
a wide variety of research methods. One source of information about deviant
behavior is publicly available official data, such as the Uniform Crime Reports
(UCR). What are the benefits and drawbacks of using official data in a research
project about deviance? Start your research by visiting the following webpage:
www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/frequently-asked-questions. Make sure to review
both the general FAQs as well as the incident-specific FAQs under UCR FAQs.
Then compare the information with the FBI’s NIBRS FAQs. Once you have reviewed
this material share your findings and interpretations with the class.

CRMJ415 Week 2 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 January
dq 1

The Positivist Perspective (graded)

One way to differentiate between theoretical paradigms is to
identify the central question toward which the paradigm is oriented. Because
our discussion will address the positivist perspective on deviance, it is a
good idea to start by identifying assumptions linked to this theoretical
approach. Positivism generally posits three assumptions. The first deals with
empiricism. The second focuses on objectivism. And the third is commonly
referred to as determinism. (Information on all three assumptions can be found
on pages 24–26 in your text.) With these three assumptions in mind, address the
following: What is the question about deviance that positivist-oriented studies
seek to answer?

dq 2

The Constructivist
Perspective (graded)

Theoretical paradigms have central questions
that shape them. What questions about deviance are constructivists interested
in explaining? Hint: When you think of constructivism, the first thought that
should come to mind is the “creation of social categories” (see page
48 in your text). Constructionists are interested in rules, why these rules
exist, and how these rules influence our response to those who violate social
norms. So, if a question was asked as to why prostitution is illegal, what
response would you give using a constructionist perspective? As a follow-up
post, and just for fun, answer the same question using a positivist approach.

CRMJ415 Week 3 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 January
dq 1

Criminality (graded)

Deviance is a broad category, and one of its subcategories is
crime. How does crime differ from deviance conceptually? But before responding,
first consider the following information. It has long been widely accepted that
family environments influence a child’s prosocial or antisocial behavior.
Deviance among family members is a very good predictor of the intragenerational
transmission of aberrant behavior. Family studies also provide information
regarding the possibility of genetic influences toward criminal and deviant
behavior, offering in their conclusions a certain amount of separation between
findings that rely solely on family variables and those that support
predispositions toward deviance. But in your opinion, can a typology be
developed to help us isolate and identify those mutually exclusive
characteristics that label an act either deviant or criminal? If so, what would
it look like?

dq 2

Violence (graded)

Violence occurs when an individual or group
brings some form of harm to another individual or group. However, the effect of
harm is not the only component of how we perceive violence. What else do we
consider in evaluating a behavior as violent? Maybe this will help: Of all the
environmental factors correlated with childhood antisocial tendencies and
violent juvenile crime, maltreatment seems the strongest. So, how do we
differentiate between maltreatment of children, which as the literature reveals
contributes significantly to conduct problems, and genetic factors likely to
promote the behavior once triggered by environmental stimuli? And more
importantly, how do we explain why some kids are negatively impacted by
maltreatment whereas others are not with the use of genetic risk factors?

CRMJ415 Week 4 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 January
dq 1

Alcohol Abuse (graded)

When someone overconsumes alcohol, the influence alcohol has on
his or her behavior that may bring a social audience to perceive certain
behaviors by the actor as deviant is obvious. But is the overconsumption of
alcohol by an individual on a regular basis an individual problem or a social
problem? And if we support the notion that the social and environmental
circumstances, biological influences, and even genetic predispositions
contribute to an individual’s actions, how should we then determine the
importance of establishing free will and, ultimately, culpability?

dq 2

Pharmaceutical Abuse

Inept parenting, disruptive parenting, harsh
discipline, authoritarian parenting style, or simply a lack of social bonding
are all thought to influence a child’s decision to participate in some form of
antisocial behavior, illicit drug use being one of those behaviors. But in the
face of adversity, some children resist the modeling behavior of their parents
who lack appropriate parenting skills as well as the influence of their
delinquent peers. How would you explain the decision by children who exhibit a
resilient behavioral response not to use illegal substances, either
pharmaceutical or street drugs, in the face of pressure to comply that comes in
the form of modeling behavior by a family member, caregiver, or peer or as the
mode of adaptation to social pressures that Merton titled retreatism?

CRMJ415 Week 5 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 January
dq 1

Sexual Deviance (graded)

All social norms evolve over time in response to changes in a
society’s environment. In contemporary social life, the sexual identity norm is
an example. But although there is constant opposition to the sex industry’s
efforts at exploiting women and young children, same-sex relationships are
condemned. Now consider this: In your opinion, is society’s attempt to consider
the victim of a sexual assault at fault for his or her victimization justified,
or is this effort merely an attempt to shift the focus of the outcome of the
trial away from the system and society? After all, advocates who have worked
with victims of sexual assault state openly that some victims are considered
less than credible by jurors simply due to their social class, appearance, or
lifestyle. This outcome seems to suggests that by normative standards, jurors
label victims of sexual assault as deviant.

dq 2

Organizational Deviance

Regardless of the entity or the seriousness
of the offense, organizational deviance is the product of the actions of one or
more individuals involved in the behavior or crime. Much as if we would
attribute a murder to a specific offender, white-collar crime, corporate crime,
and organizational deviance are outcomes set in motion by individuals. These
individuals make use of company resources and the organization serves as an
instrument of crime and/or deviance, but culpability rests with the actors.
Lets begin the discussion this week by identifying actual cases of
organizational crime and/or deviance. Start by searching news articles from
creditable media publications found on the Internet. Make sure to include the
link for the article when sharing your post. In your initial posts make sure to
also identify a theory of deviance that might explain the behavior.

CRMJ415 Week 6 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 January
dq 1

Cognitive Deviance: Doomsday Cults

Doomsday cults have certain unconventional beliefs about the
future. But did you know that most doomsday cults started as harmless attempts
to improve people’s life? Some such groups even had their beginnings as
well-meaning charitable organizations. For this week’s first discussion review
the material available from creditable sources on Marshall Applewhite’s
Heaven’s Gate cult and provide a brief summary of what you learn. Next review
the material on The People’s Temple and Reverend James Warren Jones, and then
compare and contrast the two cults. Include in your response information as to
how cults such as these develop over time and how it is people follow their
prophets with little or no question as to the reasoning behind the decisions
they make or the intended outcome these prophets envision.

dq 2

Mental Deviance: The
Crazy Role (graded)

Formal labeling by authority figures and
informal labeling by caregivers and peers sets the stage for what is commonly
known as the self-fulfilling prophecy. Labeling theory, as it pertains to crime
and deviance, posits there are two stages involved in this outcome. The first
is titled primary deviance and involves a process by which individuals are
initially labeled as someone others believe to be deviant. The second stage,
the one aligned more directly with the self-fulfilling prophecy, involves a
process by which the actor accepts the label and proceeds to develop a
corresponding attitude that supports a deviant lifestyle. For this discussion,
address the importance of limiting the impact labeling has on the
self-fulfilling prophecy and how this prophecy contributes to deviance. In a
follow-up post, explain the relationship of self-esteem to the self-fulfilling
prophecy and the impact low self-esteem has on forming positive definitions
toward deviance.

CRMJ415 Week 7 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 January
dq 1

Obesity as Physical Deviance (graded)

A third of the adult U.S. population is obese. Medical costs
associated with conditions related to obesity have been estimated to exceed
$145 billion dollars. Kids in K–12 who are obese are more likely to be bullied
than are other children. Interestingly, women with above-average incomes and
women who are college educated are less likely to be obese than are their
counterparts living under the poverty level. Given the extent of this social
problem and the stigma associated with obesity, if the condition is voluntary,
meaning there is no diagnosed and accepted medical reason for the problem, why
does this lifestyle persist? In a follow-up post, address this question: If the
fast food industry contributes to and even promotes obesity, why is obesity
thought of as a violation of social norms?

dq 2

Tattoos as Physical
Deviance (graded)

If someone has several visible tattoos on his
or her body, what might social audiences conclude about this person? Add to
this the notion of the quality of the body art and what this might suggest
about the individual. As part of this discussion research the topic of prison
tattoos and their meanings. Include in your post at least three different
tattoos, each of which has a significant meaning for prison inmates. Then
conduct a similar investigation on street gang tattoos. From a constructivist
perspective, how might this information influence the likelihood of employment
if an applicant who has never been incarcerated or belonged to a street gang
displays body art thought by others to be a prison or gang tattoo?

CRMJ415 Week 1, 2 & 6 Course Project Part 1,2,3 Latest 2017 January

Course Project
Literature Review
Objectives: This
three-part project will give you an opportunity to experience the beginning of
a research study by conducting a literature review of a deviance topic of your
choice.The purpose of a literature review is to inform the researcher about
what the state of theory development is with respect to his or her target study
topic.This knowledge then becomes the basis for constructing a research
methodology.The project is foundational to understanding how theory is
formulated and relates directly to the first three TCOs.The topic that you
choose will relate to at least one additional TCO.
A literature review is a form of secondary
research in which one reviews and analyzes data that come from intellectual
work previously done by others in the chosen topic area.Sources of data include
articles in peer-reviewed scholarly journals, court decisions, statutes,
personal narratives, government review articles, professional
publications(frequently referred to as trade journals) in a related field of
practice, newspaper articles in reputable national daily newspapers, book
chapters from academic sources, and Internet articles from professionally
credible organizations.Learning to conduct and write up a good literature
review is a valuable academic skill.
Course Project is processed in three parts in Weeks 1, 2, and 6.These weeks are
the three milestones.Always submit the required work through the Dropboxes for
the specified weeks.Look for detailed instructions in the Assignmentspage of
the specified weeks and also in Doc Sharing for a copy of the comprehensive
Summary of point structure for three-part
Course Project
Week 1 Assignment Topic Choice 10 points
Week 2 Assignment Short Article Analysis 40
Week 5
Optional Rough draft review none
Week 6 Assignment Literature Review155 points
205 points
1 (Week 1)
Choice (10 points):Choose a specific category of deviance that interests you (you
are not limited to types of deviance mentioned in the text).One good way to
locate a topic is to skim the table of contents or the subject index of our
course textbook.The next step involves searching EBSCOHost in the DeVry Online
Library and credible resources from the Internet.Did you find at least 8 or 10
articles, which would suggest there is enough information for a literature
review?If not, go through the process with another topic.
Note 1:For Internet website credibility
standards, see Doc Sharing for guidelines.
Note 2:This assignment will become the
introduction in your literature review due in Week 6.
Note 3:You will be using external sources of
information and are therefore required to use citations.
Note 4:You must use Microsoft Word in 10-point
font.You may single-space your content, because this is an informal
document.However, when it is incorporated into the final literature review, you
will need to double-space this content.
Product:Write a 150- to 200-word informal report.Identify the topic you
chose, describe it briefly, and report what you found out about the
availability of material for a literature review from your preliminary
Here is an example of a topic choice write-up,
which contains 169 words, including the citation.

Topic Choice
am interested in cults, sometimes called new religion movements, which exist
on the margins of mainstream society because they have rituals, beliefs, and
practices that are different enough to be perceived by society as threatening
to social order and therefore deviant (Myers, 2010).
Google search using the term cultsresulted in 4.35
million hits.I scanned the first three pages of links and observed that there
were at least 10 websites that could potentially be used in my project after
assessing their credibility.An EBSCOHost Basic search of Academic Search
Premier using the same term resulted in nearly 4400 hits, of which at least
three on the first page appeared to be potentially useful for my literature
have concluded that there are enough information resources available to meet
the requirements for the literature review project, which specifies that at
least nine credible information resources must be reviewed, analyzed, and
D. (2010).Social psychology (10thed.).New York:

The Topic Choice assignment will be marked as
7 points (clarity and organization of content)
3 points (proper APA
citation format)
10 points
Upload the report document to the Week 1
Dropbox by no later than the close of Week 1 on Sunday.
2 (Week 2)
Article Analysis (35 points):From your Week 1 work, you will know where to
find articles about your chosen topic.Retrieve full texts of three of these
articles, including at least one from EBSCOHost in the DeVry Online Library.The
article contents are the data for your Week 2 homework.
Note 1: You must assess the website-based
articles for credibility, and there is a link to an article explaining how to
do this in the Webliography.
Note2:This assignment will eventually become
the part of your final literature review.Your References Cited section will
grow as your project proceeds.
Note 3:You must use Microsoft Word and
double-space in 10-point font.
Product:Write a summary of the contents of each of the three articles,
and report the general theme or themes you have discovered.This can be done in
less than 300 words, including citations in APA format within the text and at
the end of your analysis.
Except that it is not double-spaced as will be
required in your actual assignment submission, the structure could be something
like this example about cults, which contains 270 words (inclusive of

Article Analysis: Cults as Deviance
first article about cults that I selected revealed that these organizations
are lead by a charismatic person who believes the mainstream culture is evil
and attracts followers to his or her radical ideas about an alternative
lifestyle.These followers are isolated from mainstream society by the leader
and easily influenced towards actions and beliefs that represent deviance
from established social norms (Myers, 2010, p. 271–273).The second article
that I looked at pointed out that cults will inevitably be subjected to
social control attempts by authorities because they are perceived as
dangerous to social order (Gardener, 1997).
last article that I consulted was about how cult members are subjected to
social control by the cult leader; once a member of the cult, the person is
expected to be a committed advocate for the cult and demonstrate his or her
loyalty, even if that means following the leader into death (Unknown,
2000).From these three articles, I conclude that a cult is perceived as a
dangerous type of deviant group by society and subject to interventions by
authorities.At the same time, the internal climate of the cult does not
tolerate noncompliance by members, which would represent another form of
deviance from the group norms within the cult.
M. (1997).Heaven’s gate: The UFO cult of Bo and Peep, in Skeptical
Inquirer, July/August(15–17).
D. (2010).Social psychology(10th ed.). New
York: McGraw-Hill.
(2000).Ugandan sect commits fiery mass suicide.The
Christian Century,117(11), 386.Retrieved from EBSCOHost database. (Document ID:

The Short Article Analysis will be marked as
10 points (explanation of topic chosen)
20 points (analysis and description of article
10 points (proper use of
APA format for citations)
40 points
Upload the analysis document to the Week 2
Dropbox by no later than the close of Week 2 on Sunday.
Week 5
(Optional):You are strongly encouraged to create a rough draft of your
Course Project and submit it to your instructor by e-mail so that he or she can
give you constructive feedback as needed.
#3 (Week 6)
Review (155 points):Your final product incorporates the work that you did in Weeks
1 and 2 into a larger document that builds on the earlier material.
Locate not less than six additional articles
from the sources located in the overview of the project above.You may also use
the Goode textbook as one information resource.If you choose to use Internet
articles, they cannot be from dictionary, encyclopedia, or article search
websites like Find Article.Blogs, Wikipedia, and the websites of other
universities are strictly off limits, according to DeVry policy.Your literature
review must thus contain at least nine credible information resources.Remember
to assess the credibility of any Internet resource used.
Note 1:As a general guideline, it takes at
least 1,000 words to produce a satisfactory document that is worthy of the 155
points available for this final part of the Course Project.You are free to
write more if you perceive that additional content is necessary to produce a
document that is satisfactory to you.
Note 2:Your document must be done in Microsoft
Word, double-spaced, and in 10-point font.
Note 3:CAUTION:The literature review is
subject to being evaluated for originality.DeVry instructors obtain an
originality score from turnitin.com that is used as a measure of how much of
your document is your own original writing.Conversely, it measures how much of
your content is lifted moreorless directly from the intellectual property of
another person, which constitutes plagiarism.As you know, plagiarism is a
potentially serious academic offence, so you will want to familiarize yourself
again with the Syllabus in Course Home where this is discussed.
Product:The literature review should represent your best academic
writing and work. Pay careful attention to paragraphing, sentence structure,
quotation conventions, spelling, grammar, organization, punctuation, citation
protocol, and other aspects of style and content. Remember to proofread
A recommended structure for your literature
review would be as follows.

Suggested length of section

Suggested Section Subheading




of paper and your name

of your Week 1 assignment, Topic Choice


topic did you choose, and what is the state of knowledge about it?

of your Week 2 assignment, Short
Article Analysis, plus six additional articles—length as needed


a description of the contents of nine articles you have collected.

least three paragraphs

and Findings

are the themes in your group of articles?What theories of deviance do they

least two paragraphs


have you learned about your subject from your literature review?

as needed


format is required.

The Literature Review will be marked as
10 points Content quality of introduction
35 points Content quality of article
35 points Content quality of analysis and
25 points Content quality of conclusions
20 points Quality of writing and editing
30 points Correctness of
citation work
155 points
Upload the Literature Review document to the
Week 6 Dropbox by nolater than the close of Week 6.

CRMJ415 Week 3 Assignment Latest 2017 January

Critical Thinking Analysis (40
Gay Bashing
TCOs: 1: Defining deviance,types of
4: Criminal behavior, violence
Case:Matthew Shepard, a young homosexual man who was a student
at the University of Wyoming, died on October 12, 1998, of severe injuries
received from a brutal and prolongedattack by two other young men he met in a
bar 6 days earlier.Shepard’s two attackers were Aaron McKinney and Russell
Henderson, to whom he admitted he was gay.Pretending to befriend him, they
instead transported him to a rural area, tied him to a barbed wire fence,
tortured and beat him, and then left him.Many hours later,a passerby found him
clinging to life.He died in the hospital within the week.McKinney and
Henderson, in possession of a bloodied gun and some of Shepard’s possessions,
were arrested following his death and charged with murder.At trial, they first
claimed the gay panic defense (temporary insanity) and later argued that they
had only intended to rob him but things go out of hand.Their girlfriends
testified that the two men stalked Shepard and that both were sober.Each was
convicted of felony murder and sent to prison.
Shepard’s parents became tireless
advocates against gay bashing, a form of homophobia defined as verbal and/or
physical harassment or assault of people who are perceived to be lesbian, gay,
bisexual, or transgendered. The word perceived is important:
There have been cases where someone makes a misattribution of another’s sexual
orientation based on the cultural stereotype of homosexuality and aggresses
against the target erroneously.
Assignment:Analyze this case using course concepts we have studied so
far.Write an essay that contains at least these three components: how deviance
occurred, what kind(s) of deviance occurred, and at least one theoretical
perspective that you think has good explanatory power with respect to this
· If you use the text or external
resources, remember to use APA citations in the body of your essay and in the
corresponding references section at the end of the essay.Reminder:You cannot
use Wikipedia or the websites of other universities.
· Create a Microsoft Word document,
using double-spacing, paragraphs, and subheadings for each component.
· There is no set length for your
essay, although 500 words or more will probably be needed to provide sound
· Carefully edit your essay for
grammar and spelling errors and for presentation style.
This assignment is due by1 minute
before midnight on the last Sunday of Week 3.Please submit it through the Week
3 Dropbox.

CRMJ415 Week 5 Assignment Latest 2017 January

CRMJ 415
Critical Thinking Analysis (50
Mental Disorder and Social Control
TCOs: 1: Defining deviance,types of
4: Criminal behavior
7: Physical characteristics (extends
to mental disorders)
Case:Obsessed With Trains
Note:Autism spectrum disorders
(ASDs) are the most common neurological disorders affecting children and are
one of the most common developmental disabilities in our society.ASDs change
the way the brain processes information and can affect all aspects of a
person’s development.Asperger’s syndrome, often described as high-functioning
autism, is characterized by social awkwardness and behaviors perceived as
eccentric by normal standards, including obsessive interests that make people
with the disorder stick out in society.
In November 2006,the New
York Times reported a story with this headline: “Man Obsessed
WithTrains Again Runs Afoul of the Law.”Daniel McCollum, 41, who suffers from
Asperger’s syndrome, had already been arrested many times over the previous 25
years for train-related offences, including impersonating transit workers,
taking busses and subway trains for joy rides, tripping emergency brakes,
entering subway control towers, and trying to steal a Long Island Railway
In June 2006, Mr. McCollum was
conditionally released from Sing Sing Prison, where he was serving a term for
burglary and forgery, to live with his parents in Winston-Salem, NC.By
November, he had grown bored with North Carolina and disappeared, violating the
terms of his parole.Authorities believed it was likely that he would return to
New York City, and the transit police were told to be on the lookout for an
imposter posing as a transit worker.
In August 2006,in response to a plea
from police asking companies to be watchful for purchases that might be used in
terrorist activities, a public safety equipment company contacted the New York
police to advise them that a man was trying to buy a transit-style badge.The
individual was identified as Mr. McCollum, whose purchase attempt violated
another condition of his parole.Three months later, the police were able to
reach him on his cell phone, convinced him to turn himself in, and arrested
His latest offense is for criminal
impersonation; when police arrested him, he was in possession of an
official-looking transit authority ID badge, construction hat, and train
conductor manuals, which violated the terms of his parole for earlier
offences.When he appeared in court after his arrest, Mr. McCollum admitted that
he found trains irresistible, and even though he knew that the terms of his
parole prohibited him from any involvement with transit trains in New York, he
still had an overwhelming desire to be in a train yard or train.Advocates for
Mr. McCollum argue that the legal system failed him because he is different in
a way that is typically reflected in obsessive behavior.
Assignment:Analyze this case using course concepts.Write an essay that
contains answers to these three questions: how deviance occurred, what kind(s)
of deviance occurred, and at least one theoretical perspective on social
control that you think has good explanatory power with respect to this case.
· If you use the text or external
resources remember to use APA citations in the body of your essay and in the
corresponding references section at the end of the essay.Reminder:You cannot
use Wikipedia or the websites of other universities.
· Create a Microsoft Word document,
using double-spacing, paragraphs, and subheadings for each component.
· There is no set length for your
essay, although 750 words or more will probably be needed to provide sound
· Carefully edit your essay for
grammar and spelling errors and for presentation style.
This assignment is due by1 minute
before midnight on the last Sunday of Week 7.Please submit it through the Week
7Dropbox.Note:No late submissions are permitted for Week 7 assignments unless
you meet DeVry’s policy for emergency conditions.

CRMJ415 Week 7 Assignment Latest 2017 January

CRMJ 415
Critical Thinking Analysis (50
Mental Disorder and Social Control
TCOs: 1: Defining deviance,types of
4: Criminal behavior
7: Physical characteristics (extends
to mental disorders)
Case:Obsessed With Trains
Note:Autism spectrum disorders
(ASDs) are the most common neurological disorders affecting children and are
one of the most common developmental disabilities in our society.ASDs change
the way the brain processes information and can affect all aspects of a
person’s development.Asperger’s syndrome, often described as high-functioning
autism, is characterized by social awkwardness and behaviors perceived as
eccentric by normal standards, including obsessive interests that make people
with the disorder stick out in society.
In November 2006,the New
York Times reported a story with this headline: “Man Obsessed
WithTrains Again Runs Afoul of the Law.”Daniel McCollum, 41, who suffers from
Asperger’s syndrome, had already been arrested many times over the previous 25
years for train-related offences, including impersonating transit workers,
taking busses and subway trains for joy rides, tripping emergency brakes,
entering subway control towers, and trying to steal a Long Island Railway
In June 2006, Mr. McCollum was
conditionally released from Sing Sing Prison, where he was serving a term for
burglary and forgery, to live with his parents in Winston-Salem, NC.By
November, he had grown bored with North Carolina and disappeared, violating the
terms of his parole.Authorities believed it was likely that he would return to
New York City, and the transit police were told to be on the lookout for an
imposter posing as a transit worker.
In August 2006,in response to a plea
from police asking companies to be watchful for purchases that might be used in
terrorist activities, a public safety equipment company contacted the New York
police to advise them that a man was trying to buy a transit-style badge.The
individual was identified as Mr. McCollum, whose purchase attempt violated
another condition of his parole.Three months later, the police were able to
reach him on his cell phone, convinced him to turn himself in, and arrested
His latest offense is for criminal
impersonation; when police arrested him, he was in possession of an
official-looking transit authority ID badge, construction hat, and train
conductor manuals, which violated the terms of his parole for earlier
offences.When he appeared in court after his arrest, Mr. McCollum admitted that
he found trains irresistible, and even though he knew that the terms of his
parole prohibited him from any involvement with transit trains in New York, he
still had an overwhelming desire to be in a train yard or train.Advocates for
Mr. McCollum argue that the legal system failed him because he is different in
a way that is typically reflected in obsessive behavior.
Assignment:Analyze this case using course concepts.Write an essay that
contains answers to these three questions: how deviance occurred, what kind(s)
of deviance occurred, and at least one theoretical perspective on social
control that you think has good explanatory power with respect to this case.
· If you use the text or external
resources remember to use APA citations in the body of your essay and in the
corresponding references section at the end of the essay.Reminder:You cannot
use Wikipedia or the websites of other universities.
· Create a Microsoft Word document,
using double-spacing, paragraphs, and subheadings for each component.
· There is no set length for your
essay, although 750 words or more will probably be needed to provide sound
· Carefully edit your essay for
grammar and spelling errors and for presentation style.
This assignment is due by1 minute
before midnight on the last Sunday of Week 7.Please submit it through the Week
7Dropbox.Note:No late submissions are permitted for Week 7 assignments unless
you meet DeVry’s policy for emergency conditions.

CRMJ415Final ExamLatest 2017 January

Deviant Behavior Final Exam – page 1
Question 1. 1. (TCO 1)
Honor killings happen every year in Britain, primarily in Southeast Asian and
Middle Eastern immigrant families. Young women are predominately the targets of
honor murders for issues surrounding forced marriage. Even though forced
marriage is illegal in Britain, it still happens covertly in families with
strong ties to their birth cultures. This is an example of which type of
deviance? (Points : 6)
Cultural deviance
Societal deviance
Gender deviance
Situational deviance
Question 2. 2. (TCO 1)
A fundamentalist Muslim who lives in the United States is likely to be
perceived as deviant, especially since 9/11. Goffman’s typology and stigma of
deviance would view this as (Points : 6)
a violation of
aesthetic standards.
a tribal stigma.
a blemish of
individual character.
a deviant belief.
Question 3. 3. (TCO 2)
In the positivist tradition, the classical school of criminology is also
referred to as which theory? (Points : 6)
Theory of social
Theory of opportunism
Theory of free will
Theory of certainty
Question 4. 4. (TCO 3)
A constructionist sociologist studying deviance believes that which is the most
central concept? (Points : 6)
Rules and norms
Process of perceiving
Social audiences
Social control
Question 5. 5. (TCO 1)
When researchers purposely commit a deviant act in a public place so they can
observe the reactions of people to their norm violations, which research method
are they using? (Points : 6)
Visual survey
Field study
Question 6. 6. (TCO 4)
Which technically constitutes low-consensus deviance? (Points : 6)
Doing acts that are
likely to result in a fine and probation
Doing acts that are
unlikely to result in arrest
Doing acts that do not
involve violence
Heckling a
high-ranking public official at a town hall meeting
Question 7. 7. (TCO 4)
Which example of killing can be legally classified as murder? (Points : 6)
Abortion of zygotes,
embryos, and fetuses
Killing another in
Running over somebody
who jumps in front of your car
Killing a lover or
spouse in retaliation for public humiliation
Question 8. 8. (TCO 5)
Although not all drinkers also use illegal drugs, they are more likely to do so
than nondrinkers by which margin? (Points : 6)
Question 9. 9. (TCO 6)
What is “queer theology?” (Points : 6)
The theological
arguments in the Bible that homosexuality is unrighteous
The theological
argument that homosexuality is an expression of humanity, not a sin
The ordaining of
openly gay priests in some Christian sects
The theological
position that gay marriage should be universally available
Question 10. 10. (TCO
6) According to information in the Week 5 Lecture, sociologists have found that
the study of a particular form of social movement contributes clarity to an
explanatory framework of social movement. Which form is it? (Points : 6)
Environmental toxicity
Doomsday cults
Contemporary terrorism
Gay rights
Question 11. 11. (TCO
7) According to information in the Week 6 Lecture, aggressive driving is a
cultural norm in our society, but road rage violates that norm. Which reason
applies? (Points : 6)
Road rage displays a
lack of impulse control.
Road rage is not
respectful of the rights of other drivers.
Road rage is a
manifestation of mental disorder.
Road rage involves
vengeful retaliation.
Question 12. 12. (TCO
7) According to information in the Week 7 Lecture, the physical-attractiveness
stereotype is associated with which assumption? (Points : 6)
All that is beautiful
is good.
A homely person should
decrease his or her expectations for success.
A beautiful person is
smarter and more socially competent.
If you are not
naturally beautiful, you can buy a makeover.
Question 13. 13. (TCO
7) In the first critical analysis assignment on gay bashing, McKinney and
Henderson unsuccessfully argued they committed which crime instead of murder?
(Points : 6)
Accidental homicide
Accidental assault
Question 14. 14. (TCO
7) Which is true about the term differently abled, which may be used by normal
social audiences to refer to people with physical handicaps? (Points : 6)
It is a well-intended
euphemistic term that those with physical handicaps often do not like and may
reject outright.
It is a conscious
attempt to avoid violating the Americans With Disabilities Act in institutional
settings, such as education and employment.
It developed as a
result of people without handicaps’ desire for people with physical handicaps
to be perceived as not deviant.
It developed from
demands of people with physical handicaps for acceptance and equality.
Question 15. 15. (TCO
8) According to the second critical analysis assignment on whistleblowing,
which is true about the UBS tax fraud scheme? (Points : 6)
Justice Department
officials were exonerated of wrongdoing.
UBS handed over half
of the names of American clients involved in the tax evasion scheme.
UBS bought its way out
of the scandal.
President Obama had to
return $540,000 in UBS campaign donations.
Question 16. 16. (TCOs
2, 3, and 7) Essentialists, who are part of the positivist tradition, are
interested in studying which two aspects of mental disorder? (Points : 5)
The social
construction of mental disorder and how it distributed in the population
The causes of mental
disorder and how it is distributed in the population
The causes of mental
disorder and the social control of mentally disordered persons
What is said and done
about mentally disordered people within a particular society
Question 17. 17. (TCOs
4, 7, and 8) Which critical analysis assignment focused on organizational
deviance? (Points : 5)
Obsessed With Trains
Hero Become the
Manufacturing Beauty
Gay Bashing
Page: 1 2
1. (TCO 1) According
to the Week 1 Lecture, if your literature review indicates that a great deal of
scholarly knowledge exists about your chosen topic, which research tradition
should you use, qualitative or quantitative? (Points : 15)
Question 2. 2. (TCO 1)
Explain the concept of the norm (also called social norm) as it applies to a
condition for the presence of deviance. (Points : 15)
Question 3. 3. (TCO 5)
Explain why illicit drug intoxication and overconsumption of alcohol would be
considered normative violations. (Points : 15)
Question 4. 4. (TCO 6)
Denial movements are attempts to deny a well-established scientific fact or
historical record by instilling doubt, typically based on psuedoscience or
psuedohistory. A movement to deny or minimize the established history of Nazi
genocide against Jews during World War II has been active in the United States
for some years. Holocaust denial is what form of deviance? Briefly explain your
answer. (Points : 15)
Question 5. 5. (TCOs 6
and 8) World Vision is using a targeted media campaign to deter would-be
American sex tourism in SE Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Deterrence
messages have been placed in airports, airline in-flight videos, hotels, taxis,
websites, television, and billboards using the image of a small child with the
text message “I am not a tourist attraction.” What kind(s) of
deviance is the deterrence campaign aimed at, and what form of social control
is it? (Points : 20)
Question 6. 6. (TCO 8)
In April 2010, one of two former state judges accused of taking millions of
dollars in kickbacks to send youth offenders to for-profit detention facilities
has agreed to plead guilty to a federal racketeering charge. Former Luzerne
County Judge Michael Conahan will plead guilty to his role in the $2.8 million
“kids for cash” scandal, according to a plea agreement filed in Scranton
on Thursday. Prosecutors said Conahan and another former judge, Mark Ciavarella
Jr., took kickbacks from the owner and builder of two private juvenile
detention facilities. Last year, the state supreme court vacated the
convictions of thousands of juveniles who appeared before Ciavarella between
2003 and 2008.
Discuss this story
with respect to why the two judges’ actions may or may not be considered as a
form of deviance. Specifically cover these two issues: (1) What about this
story would be considered a normative violation or violations? (2) Do the facts
of this case support the argument that a version of corporate crime was
committed? Why or why not?
(Points : 40)
Question 7. 7. (TCOs 1
and 7) Discuss how the presence of an undesirable physical characteristic may
be considered a form of deviance. Specifically address these three issues: (1)
What category or categories of physical deviance are found in this case? (2)
How does the aesthetic norm apply to this case (3) if someone is medically
considered a dwarf? (Points : 40)
Question 8. 8. (TCOs
1, 2, 3, and 6) Discuss how untraditional thinking may be classified as
deviance, specifically addressing these three issues. (1) What type of deviance
does the 2012 phenomenon represent? Briefly explain your conclusion. (2) How do
Goode’s four conditions for the presence of deviance apply to the 2012
phenomenon? (3) What research question or questions would a positivist
sociologist be interested in studying with respect to this example of deviance?
(Points : 40)

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