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Geography 1200.2A Assignment 2: Climate Change Page 1 of 3

Geography 1200.2A Assignment 2: Climate Change Page 1 of 3
GEOG 1200.2A People, Place & Environment
Assignment 2: Climate Change
30 points total
Part A
Read IPCC 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability (available on course
Blackboard Learning website) and answer the following questions in the space
provided below using pen or pencil. One-word and/or short-phrase answers are
acceptable. Worth 15 points.
1. What confidence level does the report give to the statement that the amount
and quality of water is changing due to altered precipitation and snowmelt
Hint: confidence level is reported in brackets ( ). 1 point
2. Name one response – as described in this report – that species have had to
climate change. 1 point
3. On page 6, what type of outcome does climate-related hazards and disasters
have on livelihoods 1 point
4. In Figure SPM.2 on page 7, what is the confidence level that climate change
attributed to (caused) major observed impacts on the marine ecosystem in
the Western North Atlantic 1 point
5. Which region does the report specifically say is using mangrove reforestation
in its climate adaptation plans 1 point
6. Which of the five reasons for concern (RFCs) in Assessment Box SPM.1 on
page 12 mentions the potential for tipping points to cause sudden and
permanent ecosystem changes if temperatures rise 3ºC 1 point
Geography 1200.2A Assignment 2: Climate Change Page 2 of 3
7. Read section B-2 from page 14-20. What are the three consequences that
coastal systems and low-lying areas will face due to rising sea levels 3 points
8. In section B-2, what geographic areas are most at risk to food security in the
face of climate change 1 point
9. In Assessment Box SPM.2 Table 1, pages 21-25, what are the climatic drivers
behind urban flooding and subsequent damage to property and
infrastructure in North America 3 points
10. On page 25, what confidence level does the report give to the fact that
working together and actions taken at a range of levels – from individual to
governments – enhance adaptation planning 1 point
11. In Table SPM.1 on page 27, what is one listed example of an Ecosystem
management approach that could be used to manage the risks of climate
change 1 point
Part B
Read IPCC 2014: Mitigation (available on course Blackboard Learning website) and
answer the following questions in the space provided below using pen or pencil.
One-word and/or short-phrase answers are acceptable. Worth 15 points.
1. Fill in the blanks in the following objective described in SPM.2:
The ultimate objective … is to achieve… stabilization of __________________________
concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent __________________
anthropogenic interference with the climate ____________________________. 3 points
Read SPM.3 (pages 6-9). Answer the following questions:
2. What temporarily reduced emissions during the period 2000-2010 1 point
3. What does the unit of measurement “GtCO2eq” stand for 1 point
Geography 1200.2A Assignment 2: Climate Change Page 3 of 3
4. Looking at Figure SPM.2 on page 9, what are the indirect CO2 emissions (by
%) from the various sectors that contribute to the approximate 25% direct
emissions from producing electricity and heat: 5 points
a. Energy:
b. Industry:
c. Transport:
d. Buildings:
e. Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU):
5. Using Table SPM.1 on page 13, what is the likelihood that concentrations
greater than 1000 parts per million (ppm) CO2eq in 2100 will keep the
temperature changes below 1.5ºC 1 point
Read SPM.5, pages 26-29. Answer the following questions:
6. Fill in the blanks:
In some countries, _______________________________ polices specifically aimed at
________________________ GHG emissions – alongside technology and other polices –
have helped to __________________ the link between GHG emissions and ___________.
4 points

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