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How to write a book and get it published

How to write a book and get it published: What do you want to write about?


Before even considering taking the pencil in your hands and beginning to write your book, there’s one essential aspect you need to clear for yourself – what’s your message to the world. You don’t have to express it in a manifesto, you just have to speak it up for yourself so that you won’t lose focus of it when you start writing. Some writers want to be acknowledged for the way they write, others want to inspire new generations, there are some who want to write from their experiences and so on. Before learning how to write a book and get it published you need to understand your need to write and what gives you that particular spark. One you have that in your mind, you can start working on your book.

The blank page

There are many writers who think that inspiration comes from somewhere outside of them and they stare in front of a blank piece of paper for days and days in a row without creating anything. So, the first real lesson to learn when it comes to how to write a book and get it published is the fact that inspiration comes from within. Staring at a piece of paper won’t do the work for you, it will only build up frustration and anger. If you ever find yourself in this situation, be sure to start writing about ANYTHING. Yes, you’ve read it well, anything. You won’t come up with the perfect character, plot or even action plan out of thin air. It is a process that will require a lot of writing, deleting, erasing, creating, rewriting and creating some more. That’s the best way to create a book that will be the future best seller.

Inspiration comes from experience

Believe it or not, creativity is strongly linked to your life experience. This means that the more experiences you have and the more diverse they are, the more enriched your creativity levels will be. This is because of the fact that you will make the connections much more easily and some things will link with others out of the blue, apparently. Also, there are some people who talk about the fact that if you want to create something, you need to surround yourself with the context of that particular think. Let’s take football for example. If you want to learn how to write a book and get it published on this particular topic, you will need three things:

  • an enhanced and diverse creativity, based on your life experiences;
  • a football context, so that you can better understand about the players, the rules of the game, the supporters, the win-lose of a game and so on.
  • an expert to teach you about the particularities of the sport

Don’t think that this will fill up your pages instantly, but will surely bring you closer to creating a perfect mindset in order to start writing.

Details do matter, but not at first

Let’s say you’ve started writing your book that will be the future best seller in the fantasy field because you’ve written a story that hasn’t been told yet. The idea here is to create the world and start from the global perspective to a detailed one, rather than losing yourself into details that are not so relevant now. There are some writers who want to illustrate all the features of a character from the beginning and that is a process that takes them a lot of time. Many successful writers talk about the importance of evolving with your characters and constantly coming back to adjust and redesign them. It’s not a shame to create a character that isn’t in its final form yet, the idea is to have a global perspective and shape him or her as the story goes. Until the book is published, you can always come back and make some adjustments.


Research is important as well

Even if writers think of themselves as trendsetters and unique designers of stories, there certainly are books out there that are similar not in the way the story is told, but how the universe is created, the plot unveiled and even the evolution of characters. This point is linked to the one about creativity from above; research is important in order to see “what’s out there” and “how others do it”. In this way, you can surely learn how to write a book and get it published.


What’s “your thing”?

Every successful writer around the globe has had something that makes him recognizable by audiences whenever they are read or quoted. Some were famous for building their plots really well, others have focused on incredible details for their characters, others illustrated the descriptions in an exceptional manner and so on. In a market with such an opening for writers, it is important to find your thing and show it to the world. A piece of advice here: don’t try to find it at the beginning, go with the flow, start writing and let it appear to you. Some of the most wonderful pieces of texts are born from this state of flow. Then, after you will find it, try to enhance it and enrich it as much as possible.


Writing is a daily job

There are some people who want to become writers because they have this impression that it’s such an exquisite job, with so many time to write and create. The reality is cruel and it points out that being a writer takes a lot of work, effort and discipline. If you really want to learn how to write a book and get it published, you should understand that this is a job like any other: it takes courage, self-control and setting some realistic goals. For example, if you want to start writing a certain book, set up a writing word target for each day. If you put your mind on it and focus on delivering 500 words per day, for example, you will surely educate your mind that this is a priority and you won’t rest until you have those 500 words. Of course, at the beginning, they will be a real challenge, but after you get used to it, you’ll see that you will begin to write more and more.



Don’t write from home


After you have acknowledged that this is a serious business, the next step to consider is that writing from home is actually a bad idea. Some might argue that they have a home office where they can work from and it’s a very simple way for them to do it. The sad truth is that people feel very comfortable when they are at home, they have the tendency to do other activities as well, activities that distract them from their work. Many famous writers have had special places where they would go and put down their creations. Some used coffee shops and favorite restaurants, others went to the local library because they were inspired by the books and there were some who preferred the park and the noise there. The truth be told, there’s no real special place to write, go find one that sparks your creativity and stick to it.


Ask for early feedback


Your friends are the best asset when it comes to bouncing ideas, testing plots or developing scenarios. They are the voice of reason that can easily point out in a realistic and objective manner, the details that don’t seem to click. They are a great resource to use when you are stuck with an idea and you want a second pair of eyes, just to give you a perspective. Furthermore, you are a subjective person when it comes to your work so it’s sometimes hard to assess the situation clearly and come up with a solution that gets you out from the dark.


Do your research before publishing


Writing a book is easy compared to the following step in the process: finding a publisher. There are many available on the market so you have plenty to choose from, but the best piece of advice to bear in mind here is that you should convince them why is your book so great in comparison with the other 100 he has on his desk. The trick here is not to groom him and send it various gifts, the trick here is to convince him that this book is going to be the next bestseller on the shelves. How do you do that? The best way to do it is to get him inside your story. If it’s that good and you’ve got him hooked, he will surely miss out on some sleep and try to find out what happens.


Don’t lose hope!


Maybe you don’t know exactly how to write a book and get it published but these points should help you figure out what to do and how to do it in order to reach that goal. Remember to be disciplined, organized and open to new experiences. That’s how you get a book done.

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