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DeVry psyc305 full course latest 2016 november

Week 1 discussion
Charismatic Leaders and Communication (graded)
Do you think communication is more important to leaders now
than it was in Hitler’s and FDR’s time? Explain why you think so or why you
disagree. Who is a more current charismatic leader that you know of, and how
are they similar to Hitler or FDR in their communication style?
Ohio State and Michigan Studies (graded)
Consider the findings from the Ohio State and Michigan
studies: Good leadership requires effectiveness on two dimensions – initiating
structure, commonly called task orientation, and showing consideration,
commonly called employee orientation. Evaluate a leader you know using those
two dimensions of good leadership. Describe how well that leader manages both
those dimensions. What is the outcome of their strengths or weaknesses in those
1. Describe a situation that would call for a more task
oriented leader.
2. In what situations would a more employee oriented leader
be more successful?
Which orientation do you reflect in your style of
leadership? Why do you tend to lean toward that style?

Week 2 discussion
Communication (graded)
It has been said that communication controls, motivates,
provides release, and facilitates decision-making. What happens in an
organization when communication is limited? How does downward and upward
communication affect the functions mentioned above?
Power – Its Use and Misuse (graded)
TS Eliot wrote, “Half of the harm that is done in this world
is caused by people who have power and want to feel important. They do not mean
to do harm… they are simply absorbed in the useless struggle to think well of
themselves.” (Manning & Curtis , p. 167)
Please do Exercise 8-1, p. 169. What kind of power does your
supervisor commonly use, and what has been the outcome of their behavior…on the
employees, on the company?

Week 3 discussion
Your Personality and Values (graded)
Values may be self-governing, but they do change with time.
The link between personality, values, and work ethic is difficult to decipher.
Your basic makeup is with you in every situation, especially in your
organization. Have your values changed as you have matured, or have they stayed
the same? Do you have different values than your parents or siblings? How do
values affect the cohesiveness of the workplace?
What’s Best for the Workers is Best for the Company?
A student who worked for Chipotle stated: “I love the
Chipotle standard that what’s best for the people (employees) is best for the
company and vice versa, so I always strive to do my best.” It sounds simple,
but in reality, that is a difficult culture to enact. Why do you suppose that
it isn’t common in most organizations? What is difficult about the
implementation of such a policy? Does everyone have the same definition of
“doing your best”? Will slackers perceive their best in a different
light? Can you count on most managers to model the appropriate behavior? Who
supervises the managers, and how are they held accountable, not only for
product, but for cultural expectations?

Week 4 discussion
Employee Needs (graded)
Please take a look at the bulleted needs described on page
286: survival, security, belonging, respect, and fulfillment. Then, describe
how your organization meets those needs, and explain what they could do
differently to better meet the fulfillment needs.
Happy Employees – common, or scarce? (graded)
To kick off this discussion, remember what we were
discussing this week about happy employees. Our lecture talked about making
employees number one. How prevalent do you find this to be? Do you think it is
common? Why or why not? Is it a lack of knowledge, ignorance, or arrogance? You
would think that this concept was easy to understand. Do you think today’s
managers and leaders forgot to read the handbook on effective employee

Week 5 discussion
Manage Team Diversity and Avoid Groupthink (graded)
Our text discusses the conclusion of research: Diverse teams
utilize diverse opinions and approaches and are generally more effective in
their accomplishment of tasks. Yet, the text states “diversity appears to
increase group conflict.”
In what ways does diversity make conflict into a positive
result? How can the appreciation and encouragement of people to be themselves
and share their thoughts result in cohesiveness and effectiveness?
What are some specific things you could do or say in any
group to decrease the conflict inherent in diversity and increase the
productivity inherent in many minds and styles working together?
How does dealing with diversity in teams help in avoiding
groupthink? Think about the forces of groupthink and how they can be dealt with
when diversity of opinions, ideas, strategies, is allowed to function in teams.
Organizational Climate: Warm and Open, or Chilly with a
Chance of Rain? (graded)
As stated in Chapter 5, organizational climate is the
hallmark of integrated purpose, strong focus on the advancement of the
individual, and respect for all members. Discuss any situations you have
encountered in your vocational experiences where this cohesiveness was evident.
How did you feel? How do you think this climate affected turnover?
If you have not experienced this type of corporation, what
kinds of expectations would you have when you join it? How do you think the
employees feel about their situation?

Week 6 discussion
Successful Change Management (graded)
Since change in the workplace is constant, a good leader
knows how to implement and lead effective change. A description on p. 418 and
419 explains how change affects top management, middle management, and
frontline employees. Read this section, and consider a time when you experienced
change in your organization.
Describe how people at those three levels in the organization
initiated or responded to the change. Did top management help his or her middle
managers prepare employees for and implement the change? Did management
understand the “losses” experienced by employees? Were employees resistant to
the change? How did management overcome that resistance?

Stress and Burnout Prevention (graded)
What is burnout? Who gets burned-out?
Read the stories about Joe in “We Buried Joe Today” and the
“A tragic story” about ambulance attendants on pages 432 and 433. Comment on
the stories and similar ones you may have heard about.

Week 7 discussion
Beneficial Conflict (graded)
Conflict can be beneficial to organizations, stimulating
cohesiveness and creativity. Of course, it can have the opposite effect.
Provide any examples of your experience with conflict. Read the article in the
Webliography entitled: Fight for What’s Right: Ten Tips to Encourage Meaningful
Conflict. Also, after reviewing the chapter, list the positiveresults that can
come from organizational conflict.
Cultural Sensitivity (graded)
Cultural sensitivity is crucial to local and global success.
It is very difficult to be aware of and sensitive to issues and traditions we
are ignorant about. How can we decrease our own ignorance? Can we be proactive
about it, or do we just have to wait until someone alerts us that we are being

Week 1 individual Assignment
Individual Assignment 1 (due Week 1)
Individual assignment: McFarlane Case, p. 65 (Manning &
Curtis): “Part One Video Case, Toying with Success: The McFarlane Companies”
After reading the case, answer “Questions for Discussion” 1
and 2, providing evidence for points you make.
Then, include a well thought-out and reflective 6 to 10-line
personal conclusion.
Submit your assignment AS A MICROSOFT WORD DOCUMENT in the
Week 1 Individual Assignment Dropbox. See the Syllabus section “Due Dates
for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.
Rubric (professor has the discretion to award points as
deemed reasonable):
Complete, well thought-out responses tapping into required
content, arguments well presented, all parts responded to adequately, no
significant errors – 40/40
Many points made, but some connection to content missing,
one part not answered, not complete discussion- 34/40
Some points made, but some connection to content missing,
incomplete and/or limited discussion – 26/40
Limited discussion, limited points – 18/40
Poor in every way – 5-10/40
For grammatical and spelling errors, student may lose
additional points

Week 2 Team Assignment
Team Assignment 1 (due Week 2)
Please read the page “Team Assignments Approach and
Overview” located in Course Home for an overview of approach and requirements
for Team Assignments, and the following detailed instructions for Team
Assignment 1 to be started in Week 1, and completed in Week 2.
As you know, to develop leadership skills, hands-on in this
course, you are being put in virtual teams of 4. With your team members, you
will complete 4 team assignments, one in each of weeks 2, 3, 5, and 6. You will
do this by each team member having the opportunity to be the Leader in at least
one of the Team Assignments (while others take on other specific roles that
Objectives of Team Assignment 1 (due Week 2)
To become aware of your leadership qualities, where and how
they were developed, areas that need development, and how you could start
developing your leadership qualities; and
In order to work together virtually, you will share
information with your team about how and when you are available for
communication with your team, and your leadership and course goals as stated in
1) above.
Tasks and deliverables for the team assignment of Weeks 1
and 2 – to be completed in week 2:
Instructions: Team Assignment 1 requires you to
Get started in Week 1 to
Individually, analyze your leadership strengths, and areas
to develop and improve, based on the personal Leadership development and Course
goals document (LDCG) in Doc Sharing,
Indicate your program, experience with online courses, day
and time availability, contact information (phone, chat, e-mail address), and
time zones, etc… using the Communication Preferences (CP) document in Doc
Communicate and share the above information in LDCG and CP
documents, with your team members, by posting in Team Discussions.
Continue in Week 2 to
Share the above information with each other,
As a team, using the above information, plan out team roles,
such as leader, motivator, communicator, facilitator, etc…, for all team
members, for all 4 team assignment weeks 2, 3, 5 and 6, as suggested in Team
Roles document in Doc Sharing.
Collate all team members’ Leadership Development and Course
goals and Communication Preferences information with Team roles, in ONE Word
document. You may create a table in Word, or an Excel worksheet to represent
the information on Leadership and Course Goals (LDCG) summary and Communication
Preferences (CP) summary, and submit with the Team Roles information, all in
ONE Word document.
Team assignment deliverable must be submitted in three
places: at the end of the Team discussions by Team Leader, in Doc Sharing by
the leader, and in your own Week 2 Team Assignment Dropbox by each team member.
To ensure productivity by each member of your team, a Team
Leader and Member Report (TLMR), available in Doc Sharing, will be completed by
each member of the team and posted by each member in the Team discussions
between Friday and Saturday midnight, and in their own Team Assignment drop box
along with their Team assignment deliverable/ product by Sunday 11:59pm.
If the TLMR is not posted in Team discussions and own drop
box by Sunday 11:59pm, up to 20% points may be deducted from the full points of
the Team assignment.
If the TLMR is not posted in Team discussions and own drop
box by Sunday 11:59pm, up to 20% points may be deducted from the full points of
the Team assignment.
In general, for the weekly Team Assignment, marks will be
given on the following basis:
Quality of Team deliverable/ product: 50%
Creativity in Team deliverable/product: 10%
Individual Participation: 40%
For Team Assignment 1 (due Week 2), 65 points will be
awarded as follows:
Quality of Team deliverable/ Product: 50%. 33/65
Leadership Development and Course Goals summary for all team
members (LDCG for all): 10
Communication Preferences summary for all team members (CP
for all): 10
Team roles for all for all 4 Team assignment weeks: 13
Creativity in Team deliverable/product: 10%. 6/65
Individual Participation in Team discussions (at least 4
times fair contribution): 40%. 26/65
Submissions Due
In addition to the individual information (LDCG and CP), to
be shared in Week 1 in Team Discussions by team members (see Instructions under
Task and Deliverables above), team assignment deliverable/product (LDCG
summary, CP summary, and Team Roles as ONE document) must be submitted in three
places: at the end of the Team discussions by the Team Leader, in Doc Sharing
by the leader, and in your own Dropboxes by each team member.
Team assignment deliverable / product must be submitted as
one submission for grades, the same final document by each member of the team,
by the end of Week 2 (Sunday 11:59pm) in your own drop boxes.
Team Leader and Member Report (TLMR), available in Doc
Sharing, must be posted by each member in the Team discussions between Friday
and Saturday 11:59pm, and in their own Team Assignment Dropbox along with their
Team assignment deliverable/ product.

Week 3 individual Assignment
Take the Big 5 Personality Inventory on p. 387 in our book.
Write a 400- to 600-word summary of your personality, as described by the Big 5
Inventory. Discuss the upsides and the downsides of the pattern of the five
dimensions or traits of your personality. We know that three of the Big
5—conscientiousness, openness, and extroversion—are closely associated with
leadership effectiveness. How do your scores reflect your readiness to become a
leader? Include a reflection about how your personality shapes your behavior
toward work, school, and teamwork.
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of
this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step
See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments
& Exams” for due date information.
Rubric (professor has the discretion to award points as
deemed reasonable)
Complete, well thought-out answer tapping into required
content, arguments well presented, all parts responded to adequately, no
significant errors: 40/40
Many points made, but some connection to content missing,
one part not answered, incomplete discussion: 34/40
Some points made, but some connection to content missing,
incomplete and/or limited discussion: 26/40
Limited discussion, limited points: 18/40
Poor in every way: 5-10/40
For grammatical and spelling errors, student may lose
additional points.

Week 3 Team assignment
Objectives of Team Assignment 2
1) to continue to
work in your team with a new leader and members in other roles, all that were
specified in Week 2 assignment, for Week 3, and
2) to participate
fully in completing a PowerPoint based on research conducted by your team on a
top company to work for, to examine its original and current leadership, values
and profitability, and to create and submit a PowerPoint according to criteria
and suggestions provided.
Tasks and Deliverables for the Team Assignment 2 of Week 3:
Select one of the top 10 companies from 2013 or 2014 to
investigate, researching the names from the site below, and as mentioned in
Week 3 lecture:
Create a PowerPoint presentation with graphics about the
company you selected Ensure that the following information has been researched
and represented in the PowerPoint:
What is the company known for? What does it do right? What
are its mission and values? Does it work toward social responsibility?
What is the company’s background—what is the source of its
leadership, conscience and approach to social responsibility? What is the
rationale for employee-friendly endeavors? What is the history behind its good
Who leads this company toward excellence presently? What are
that person’s values? Are the values stated by the leader(s)? Do those values
drive the company and carry over to its employees? What are the leadership
qualities of the people responsible for its success?
Is the company profitable? Can you be a caring organization
and still be profitable? (You may need to look in Hoover’s library database for
a financial report.)
PowerPoint advice: Every slide should have clear, readable
text no smaller than 28 point font; remember to limit your use of full
sentences. Each slide should also have some kind of visual to enhance the
communication of that content. Using APA guidelines cite your sources,
including in-text citations. The professional team product includes an
introduction, multiple content slides, and a conclusion, as well as a reference
slide. Better products usually have about 15 to 20 slides (four or five from
each student). You may need more for more complex products. More detailed guidelines on presentation
techniques is provided in a document “PowerPoint dos and don’ts” in Doc
Submit your team assignment deliverable/product to the team
discussion, Doc Sharing for all to see, and to the Team Assignment Dropbox
located at the top of this page. The presentation is posted in the team
discussions so that you can all work on it, and the team leader or designee
should post a final copy in Doc Sharing so other teams can see it. Each
participating team member should post the same final copy in his or her own
Week 3 Team Assignment Dropbox so that it can be graded.
Remember to post the TLMR (Team Leader and Member Report) in
Team discussions, and in your own Dropbox along with the deliverable/ product
In-class students must be ready to present your product to
the class at the beginning of next week’s class.
For Team Assignments 2, 3, and 4, marks will be given on the
following basis:
Quality of Team deliverable/ Product: 40%
Creativity in Team deliverable/product: 20%
Participation: 40%
For Team Assignment 2 (due Week 3), 55 points will be
awarded as follows:
Quality of Team deliverable/ Product: 40%. 22/55
Accuracy and completeness of Content – 10/28 (Four parts –
the 4 questions- a to d)
Format – number of slides, consistent appropriate font and
size, cover, intro, conclusion slides, not too crowded, more bullets than
paragraphs, professional looking – 6/20
Bibliography – APA Referencing style, at least 1 good
reference – per member – 6/20
Creativity in Team deliverable/product: 20%. 11/55
Presentation style, format, content, … looks professional,
not over-fancy
Participation in Team discussions (at least 4 times fair
contribution): 40%. 22/55
Fair participation on at least 4 different days a week for
the student to get a full mark.

Week 5 individual assignment
Read the case study “Part Five Video Case—Hot Topic:
Employees with Passion” on p. 281 of your textbook and answer the ‘Questions
for Discussion’ 1 and 2, providing evidence for points you make. For full
points, ensure substantive responses to the questions. See rubric below for
criteria for full points.
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of
this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step
See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments
& Exams” for due date information.
Rubric (professor has the discretion to change award points
as deemed reasonable)
Complete, well thought-out answer tapping into required
content, arguments well presented, all parts responded to adequately, no
significant errors – 40/40
Many points made, but some connection to content missing,
one part not answered, not complete discussion- 34/40
Some points made, but some connection to content missing,
incomplete and/or limited discussion – 26/40
Limited discussion, limited points – 18/40
Poor in every way –
For grammatical and spelling errors, student may lose
additional points.

Week 5 team assignment
Objectives of Team Assignment 3
to continue to work in your team with a new leader and
members in other roles, all that were specified in Week 2 assignment, for Week
5, and
to participate fully in completing a PowerPoint based on
research conducted by your team on the phenomenon of groupthink and at least 3
scenarios/examples in which groupthink has had significant negative
Tasks and Deliverables
Read the section on “Avoiding groupthink” in the Manning and
Curtis book, pp. 256–258. With your team, investigate multiple examples of
groupthink and present information about the phenomenon and at least 3
scenarios / examples (other than the Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster) in a
PowerPoint presentation. Your presentation must cover examples/ scenarios in
which groupthink has had a significant consequence.
PowerPoint advice: Every slide should have clear, readable
text no smaller than 28 point font; remember to limit your use of full
sentences. Each slide should also have some kind of visual to enhance the
communication of that content. Using APA guidelines cite your sources,
including in-text citations. The professional team product includes an
introduction, multiple content slides, and a conclusion, as well as a reference
slide. Better products usually have about 15 to 20 slides (four or five from
each student). You may need more for more complex products. More detailed
guidelines on presentation techniques is provided in a document “PowerPoint dos
and don’ts” in Doc sharing.
Submit your team assignment deliverable/product to the team
discussion, Doc Sharing for all to see, and to the Team Assignment Dropbox
located at the top of this page. The presentation is posted in the team
discussions so that you can all work on it, and the team leader or designee
should post a final copy in Doc Sharing so other teams can see it. Each
participating team member should post the same final copy in his or her own
Week 5 Team Assignment Dropbox so that it can be graded.
Remember to post the TLMR (Team Leader and Member Report) in
Team discussions, and in your own Dropbox along with the deliverable/ product
In-class students must be ready to present your product to
the class at the beginning of next week’s class.
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of
this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step
See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments
& Exams” for due date information.
For Team Assignments 2, 3, and 4, marks will be given on the
following basis:
Quality of Team deliverable/ Product: 40%
Creativity in Team deliverable/product: 20%
Participation: 40%
For Team Assignment 3 (due Week 5), 55 points will be
awarded as follows:
Quality of Team deliverable/ Product: 40%. 22/55
Accuracy and completeness of Content (Groupthink, symptoms,
other conditions, outcomes, isolation of forces of groupthink, at least 3
scenarios)– 10/22
Format – number of slides, consistent appropriate font and
size, cover, intro, conclusion slides, not too crowded, more bullets than
paragraphs, professional looking – 6/22
Bibliography – APA Referencing style, at least 1 good
reference – per member – 6/22
Creativity in Team deliverable/product: 20%. 11/55
Presentation style, format, content, … looks professional,
not over-fancy
Participation in Team discussions (at least 4 times fair
contribution): 40%. 22/55
Fair participation on at least 4 different days a week for
the student to get a full mark

Week 6 team assignment
Objectives of Team Assignment 4
1) to continue to work in your team with a new leader and
members in other roles, as specified in week 2 assignment, for week 6, and
2) to participate fully in completing a PowerPoint on an
enlightened organization, as described on p. 87- 91 in Manning and Curtis, by
assessing its organizational climate and highlighting characteristics of
loyalty, consideration for others, motivation, communication, and leadership in
that organization.
Tasks and Deliverables
Each team: Find an organization that has an enlightened
organizational culture, as described on p. 87- 91 in our Manning-Curtis book.
Research their culture and climate via the Web or other resources, and create a
PowerPoint presentation, based on the Organizational Climate assessment and
highlighting the characteristics of loyalty, consideration for others,
motivation, communication, and leadership in that organization. Some examples
for you to consider include: SAS, Google, Nugget Markets, and World Famous Pike
Place Fish Market. There are many others, so have fun exploring the world of
exceptional organizations and their enlightened culture.
PowerPoint advice. Every slide should have clear, readable
text no smaller than 28 point font; remember to limit your use of full
sentences. Each slide should also have some kind of visual to enhance the
communication of that content. Using APA guidelines cite your sources,
including in-text citations. The professional team product includes an
introduction, multiple content slides, and a conclusion, as well as a reference
slide. Better products usually have about 15 to 20 slides (four or five from
each student). You may need more for more complex products. More detailed
guidelines on presentation techniques is provided in a document “PowerPoint dos
and don’ts” in Doc sharing.
Submit your team assignment deliverable/product to the team
discussion, Doc Sharing for all to see, and to the Team Assignment Dropbox
located at the top of this page. The presentation is posted in the team
discussions so that you can all work on it, and the team leader or designee
should post a final copy in Doc Sharing so other teams can see it. Each
participating team member should post the same final copy in his or her own
Week 6 Team Assignment Dropbox so that it can be graded.
Remember to post the TLMR (Team Leader and Member Report) in
Team discussions, and in your own Dropbox along with the deliverable/ product
In-class students must be ready to present your product to
the class at the beginning of next week’s class.
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of
this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step
See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments
& Exams” for due date information.
For Team Assignments 2, 3, and 4, marks will be given on the
following basis:
Quality of Team deliverable/ Product: 40%
Creativity in Team deliverable/product: 20%
Participation: 40%
For Team Assignment 4 (due Week 6), 55 points will be
awarded as follows:
Quality of Team deliverable/ Product: 40%. 22/55
Accuracy and completeness of Content (Organizational climate
assessment, characteristics of loyalty, consideration for others, motivation,
communication, and leadership)– 10/22
Format – number of slides, consistent appropriate font and
size, cover, intro, conclusion slides, not too crowded, more bullets than
paragraphs, professional looking – 6/22
Bibliography – APA Referencing style, at least 1 good
reference – per member – 6/22
Creativity in Team deliverable/product: 20%. 11/55
Presentation style, format, content, … looks professional,
not over-fancy
Participation in Team discussions (at least 4 times fair
contribution): 40%. 22/55
Fair participation on at least 4 different days a week for
the student to get a full mark

Week 7 individual assignment
Cross-Cultural Realities at Work (individual interview
In this individual assignment, you are required to interview
someone who is different from you (see criteria below) so that you may learn
from the interviewee and be able to adequately reflect on the questions for
analysis as given below. Please make yourself aware of questions for interview
and for analysis before conducting the interview.
This interview is designed for students who are learning
about diversity.
Find someone who meets all three criteria:
at least 7 years older or younger than you are;
doing work that you may not imagine yourself doing; and
culturally distinctly different from you.
Conducting the Interview
Your goal is to get the person talking. Listen for what is
said, what is implied, and what is not said. Try not to insert your opinions
and experience. Use the sample interview questions as below; please feel free
to add your own.
Start the interview by explaining who you are and why you
are interviewing him or her. Thank the person sincerely for giving you his or
her time and thoughts. Be sensitive throughout the interview regarding whether
the person wants to continue.
Sample Interview Questions
Start with questions that are easy and comfortable to
What kind of work do you do?
How long have you been doing it?
Can you describe a typical workday?
Then move to questions that require more thought and rapport
with the interviewer.
Why did you end up doing this work? What kind of person
often does this sort of work? (And would you consider yourself typical?)
What do you like about this work?
What is difficult about this work?
How do [customers, others in the company, etc.] treat you?
What do they think about the job you do? [Adapt this question to fit your
particular interview—try to get at how the person thinks he or she is treated
based on his or her work.]
How does being a [fill in the blank with a salient cultural
category: man, older person, African-American, 20-something, etc.] play into
the work you do?
Has this work changed the way you think about yourself and
about the world?
What are some cultural values that are important to you? [It
can be family, work, or interpersonal.] Do you think these are similar to or
different from mainstream American culture? Please explain your ideas.
What do you like best about American culture? What do you
like least? [Even if the person is American, he or she will have an opinion
about this question that gives you some insight about how he or she views
things from his or her perspective.]
Thank him or her again.
Analysis of Your Interview and Writing Your Report
Think about your interview, the person, and his or her work.
Please consider these questions as you write your report for this assignment.
Make sure to present a well thought response based on your interview and these
First, state who the interviewee is and how does he or she
meet the three criteria (all three should be met).
What aspects of this person’s work determine or indicate his
or her status relative to others?
What are some of the connections between this person’s work
experience and gender, race, age, and/or ethnicity, etc.?
What kinds of attitudes, values, and behaviors does this
person’s work culture encourage?
What attitudes and values held by this person are similar to
your own, and which are different?
From this interview, what can give us insight into
communicating across cultures or across work cultures?
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of
this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step
See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments
& Exams” for due date information.
Rubric (professor has the discretion to award points as
deemed reasonable)
Complete, well thought-out responses to the questions posed
for analysis of interview, arguments and support well-presented, no significant
errors. All criteria met for choice of interviewee – 40/40
Good, but only one question or part is not reflective,
substantive, complete, or clear enough. All criteria met for choice of
interviewee – 34/40
Quite good, but a few questions or parts are not reflective,
substantive, complete, or clear OR a criteria for choice of interviewee is not
met- 26/40
Limited responses, criteria not met, but interview and
analysis are conducted adequately– 18/40
Poor in every way –
For grammatical and spelling errors, student may lose
additional points.

Week 4 midterm
1. Question
: (TCO 2) Historically,
researchers have focused upon two main theories of leadership effectiveness:
_____ and ____.

Student Answer: Ancient and modern

Male and female

Centralized and decentralized

Trait and behavior

Time-sensitive and timeless

Question 2. Question
: (TCO 2) Vince Lombardi had a
_____ personality; his followers’ goal was to be equal to their understanding
of his ____.

Student Answer: Schizophrenic; needs

Mercurial; orders

Stoic; desires

Charismatic; values and goals

Difficult; deficiencies

Question 3. Question
: (TCO 2) Concern for others
requires _____ and ____, and the result is ____, which is the foundation of

Student Answer: Experience and fortitude; learning; survival

Patience and listening; trust; loyalty

Discussion and contemplation; education;

Time and place; emotion; community

None of the above

Question 4. Question
: (TCO 2) Even if the spirit is
willing, _____ and _____ are needed to fulfill the tasks of leadership. The
leader needs ____.

Student Answer: Strength and stamina; vitality

Money and machines; planning

Manpower and methods; organization

Order and materials; control

None of the above

Question 5. Question
: (TCO 2) Characteristics of
followers that influence the leadership process are _____ and ____.

Student Answer: Race and gender

Respect for authority and interpersonal trust

Past mistakes and future plans

Abstract reasoning and concrete experience

None of the above

Question 6. Question
: (TCO 2) If you have _____
intelligence, you have the ability to deal with people; if you have
musical-rhythmic intelligence, you appreciate _____ and ____.

Student Answer: Intrapersonal; sculpting and surgery

Verbal/linguistic; logical reasoning and
exploring patterns

Musical/rhythmic; saying words and using your

Interpersonal; pitch and rhythm

None of the above

Question 7. Question
: (TCO 2) Over time, the shift
in emphasis for business success has been from _____ to ____.

Student Answer: Communities to systems

Command and control to relationship

Innovation to hierarchy

Team building to skill building

None of the above

Question 8. Question
: (TCO 2) Successful leaders
today must master challenges such as _____ and ____, as well as traditional
duties such as _____ and ____.

Student Answer: Purchasing and inventory control; staffing
and accounting

Advertising and sales; engineering and

Office politics and re-engineering; work
design and wage administration
Giving orders and quality control; public
speaking and report writing
Developing people and doing the right things;
organizing work and implementing plans

Question 9. Question
: (TCO 2) In the passage,
“He Made Me Feel Important,” Vince Lombardi influenced his players
because of his:

Student Answer: Physical size

Charismatic personality

Native intelligence

Personal insecurity

Job knowledge

Question 10. Question
: (TCO 2) Key factors in
determining leadership effectiveness include:

Student Answer: Time, space, energy

Qualities of leaders, characteristics of
followers, nature of the situation
Age, experience, gender

Government, business, industry

Question 11. Question
: (TCO 5) The philosophy behind
the quality movement is:

Student Answer: People respond positively to measurements and

People closest to the work usually have the
experience and knowledge to come up with the best solutions to work-related
People want economic security.

People need sufficient pay and benefits to
sustain morale.

All of the above

Question : (TCO
2) All of the following are important qualities of leadership except:

Student Answer: Ability





Question 2. Question
: (TCO 2) Todd McFarlane’s
leadership success could be traced to:

Student Answer: Business location and financial management

Willingness to take a risk and focus on what
he could control

Start up capital and delegation skills

Question 3. Question
: (TCO 3) A leader’s use of
_____ and _____ is effective only for a short period of time.

Student Answer: Psychological size and overbearance

Experience and skill

Patience and understanding

Knowledge and ability

None of the above

Question 4. Question
: (TCO 3) Dealing with people
face-to-face, being open and receptive, and _____ can improve communication in
the workplace by reducing physical and psychological distance.

Student Answer: Showing courtesy

Being less judgmental

Involving people in decisions that affect

All of the above

Question 5. Question
: (TCO 5) _____ created the 14
Steps to Quality.

Student Answer: W. Edwards Deming

Robert Frost

Donald Dewar

Peter Drucker

Question 6. Question
: (TCO 3) Good ways to be a
servant leader include:

Student Answer: Get out of the executive suite and onto the

Get out of the headquarters and into the

Get out of the ivory tower and into the real

All of the above

None of the above

Question 7. Question
: (TCO 3) The quality of _____
is possessed by all truly great leaders:

Student Answer: Looking before leaping

Doing the right thing for the right reason

Following-up on decisions

Considering alternative courses of action

Never telling a lie

Question 8. Question
: (TCO 5) An employee concerned
primarily with the seniority system, insurance plan, and retirement policy is
motivated by:

Student Answer: Physical needs

Social esteem needs

Affiliation needs

Security needs

Question 9. Question
: (TCO 5) All of the following
motivational levels and psychological needs are correctly matched except:

Student Answer: First Level – physical needs

Second Level – security needs

Third Level – self-fulfillment needs

Fourth Level – social esteem needs

Question 10. Question
: (TCO 5) The highest need possible

Student Answer: Social




Question 11. Question
: (TCO 3) Beliefs and values of
the participative leader include:

Student Answer: Full and free communication

Reliance on consensus to manage conflict

A basically human bias emphasizing the
importance of individuals
All of the above

None of the above

1. Question : (TCO 5) After survival, security, and belonging needs are
satisfied, people are motivated by the need for:

Student Answer: Power




None of the above

Question 2. Question
: (TCO 5) The _____ motivational
level is closely related to the nature of the work and depends on aspects of
the job itself for satisfaction.

Student Answer: First




Question 3. Question
: (TCO 1) A leader’s ability to
_____ and _____ is essential for leadership success.

Student Answer: Understand people, deal with them effectively

Understand finance, keep technically

Manipulate others, retain personal power

Live a balanced life, support the arts

None of the above

Question 4. Question
: (TCO 5) Jeffrey Pfeffer shows
that _____ correlates positively with motivation, and identifies _____
practices that successful companies share.

Student Answer: Profit; seven

Safety; three

Enthusiasm; 10

All of the above

None of the above

Question 5. Question
: (TCO 5) Leadership tips for a
high morale workplace include:

Student Answer: Be enthusiastic

Set the example

Keep promises

Always be fair

All of the above

Points Received: 3 of 3

Question 6. Question
: (TCO 5) If more than _______
percent of your job is painful, there is a morale problem.

Student Answer:




Question 7. Question
: (TCO 5) A continuum of
empowerment, least to most, is as follows:

Student Answer: Scientific management, industrial democracy,
human relations training
Kibbutzim, job enrichment, collective

Suggestion box, quality circles,
self-directed work teams

Quality improvement teams, safety meetings,
labor/management codetermination
None of be above

Question 8. Question
: (TCO 5) Robert Cole identifies
leadership principles that empower people, including all but one of the

Student Answer: Trust in people

Require loyalty

Recognize accomplishments

Decentralize decision-making

View work as a cooperative effort

Question 9.
(1) Describe and explain, in your own words, the five
principles of an empowered workplace as given by Robert Cole.
(2) Explain how one-way communication can affect employees’
morale and productivity.

Question 10.
(1) Please describe, in your own words, each of the three
main styles of leadership paying close attention to how each relates to use of
authority. (10 points)
(2) Describe an example of each leadership style using
people from history or your own personal experience. (10 points)

Week 8 final exam
1. Question
: (TCO 3) Ethics is the study of
_____ and ____.

Student Answer: Religion and politics

Young children and mature adults

Cause and effect

Moral judgments and right and wrong conduct

None of the above

Question 2. Question
: (TCO 3) MBO is important, but
MBV, ____, is essential for leadership success.

Student Answer: More by verification

Management by values

Multiplying by volume

Measuring by observing

None of the above

Question 3. Question
: (TCO 3) Because of the
leader’s ability to influence moral behavior, the leader should ask:

Student Answer: Who agrees with me? Who does not?

What values do I wish to promote? Are my
actions supporting my values?
Do I have personal strength to achieve my
goals? Who can help?
Are my values helping me accomplish my goals?
What values should I change?
None of the above

Question 4. Question
: (TCO 7) The preferred basis of
growth for the _____ is introspection and self-analysis.

Student Answer: Traditionalist



None of the above

Question 5. Question
: (TCO 4) Characteristics of a
high performance team include:

Student Answer: A clear, elevating goal

Competent team members

A collaborative climate

Principled leadership

All of the above

Question 6. Question
: (TCO 4) Rewarding employees
for team effort and results is a demonstration of:

Student Answer: A true boss

A leader as team builder

A model employee

Corporate tax break

Question 7. Question
: (TCO 4) The leader as team
builder does all of the following except:

Student Answer: Shows enthusiasm

Admits mistakes and uncertainties

Puts others first

Takes credit for work done by others

Question 8. Question
: (TCO 8) Managing conflict
involves different degrees of _____ and ____.

Student Answer: Time and space

Personal involvement and organizational

Cooperativeness and assertiveness

Detail and context

None of the above

Question 9. Question
: (TCO 9) A recent survey shows
that _____ of the North American companies surveyed engaged in 11 or more
change initiatives within a five-year period.

Student Answer: 42 percent

11 percent

88 percent

97 percent

1. Question : (TCO 7) ____ and ____ are the personality factors most
strongly associated with leadership effectiveness.

Student Answer: Agreeableness and low neuroticism

Openness to experience and low neuroticism

Extroversion and conscientiousness

Question 2. Question
: (TCO 3) The quality of _____
is possessed by all truly great leaders:

Student Answer: Looking before leaping

Doing the right thing for the right reason

Following-up on decisions

Considering alternative courses of action

Never telling a lie

Question 3. Question
: (TCO 4) Positive group member
roles include:

Student Answer: Encourager, clarifier, harmonizer

Idea generator, ignition key, standard setter

Detail specialist

All of the above

None of the above

Question 4. Question
: (TCO 8) Ann Morrison
identifies 10 practices considered to be important in dealing with diversity,

Student Answer: Top management’s personal involvement

Targeted recruitment

Diversity training groups

Work and family policies that support

All of the above

Question 5. Question
: (TCO 9) Principles to follow
in developing others include:

Student Answer: Have a respectful attitude

Build self-esteem

Use coaching versus judging

Practice to build proficiency

All of the above

Question 6. Question
: (TCO 9) The “Attitude in
Response to Change Curve” describes the following phases in sequence of

Student Answer: Exploration, denial, resistance,
responsibility, commitment

Resistance, exploration, attitude trough,
responsibility, commitment
Denial, resistance, attitude trough,
exploration, responsibility, commitment
Resistance, denial, exploration, attitude
trough, responsibility, commitment

Question 7. Question
: (TCO 9) One minute goal
setting involves identifying _____ goals, and writing these on _____ sheet(s)
of pages, _____ words or less.

Student Answer: 6 to 10; 2; 500

3 to 5; 1; 250

1 to 3; 1; 500

10 to 15; 5; 1,000

None of the above

Question 8. Question
: (TCO 6) Two important criteria
for bench marking are _____ and ____.

Student Answer: Product quality, service quality

Location, time

Personal, organizational

Past, present

None of the above

Question 9. Question
: (TCO 6) One minute praising
has four characteristics, including:

Student Answer: Be immediate

Be specific

Be sincere

Encourage the individual

All of the above

Question 10. Question
: (TCO 6) The best performance
reviews accomplish two results:

Student Answer: Increase complacency, decrease motivation

Increase turnover, decrease efficiency

Increase conflict, reduce teamwork

Solve job problems, develop employee

None of the above

Question 11. Question
: (TCO 10) Sam Walton wrote that
success came from:

Maintaining records, positive attitude, good

Financial performance, materials management,
employee loyalty
Building a team, hard work, breaking old

(TCO 4) This question has multiple parts. Our text provides five techniques
that help reduce the tendency towards groupthink in the decision-making
processes. (I) Describe each technique in your own words, and (II) explain
which symptoms of groupthink each technique is used to control or reduce, and
why it works that way.

Question 2. (TCO
2) (I). Describe each of the following leadership styles: directive,
participative, and free rein. (II) Explain which one is best, or, if no one
style is best, describe what the style of leadership depends on.

Question 3. (TCO
3) List, describe, and provide an example to illustrate each of the four bases
of PERSONAL power.

Question 4. (TCO
8) I. Describe five ways to manage diversity effectively.
II. Rank order these strategies, and explain why you ranked
them as you did, using examples to clarify your rankings.

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