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Sallie noticed that when her alarm clock goes

1.(TCOs 1, 2) Sallie noticed that when her alarm clock goes off in the morning, her dog Ruffles is standing by her bed salivating. Every morning when Sallie wakes to the alarm, she immediately rolls out of bed and feeds Ruffles, who very much enjoys his canned dog food. It is likely that _____. (Points : 5) Sallie has conditioned Ruffles to enjoy canned dog food Sallie has conditioned Ruffles to sleep next to her bed Sallie has conditioned Ruffles to salivate over canned dog food Sallie has conditioned Ruffles to salivate to the sound of her alarm clockQuestion 2.2.(TCOs 1, 2) Darley and Latané (1968) believe that the presence of other people in a distressing situation decreased the likelihood that they would receive help due to _____. (Points : 5) diffusion of anonymity flaws in laws protecting Good Samaritans timeliness of onset diffusion of responsibilityQuestion 3.3.(TCOs 2, 3) Your teacher asks you to describe the sequence of parts of a neuron that the impulse travels during neural conduction. Which of the following sequences will you offer? (Points : 5) Dendrites, axon, soma, synaptic knob Terminal buttons, axon, soma, dendrites Axon, soma, dendrites, synaptic knob Dendrites, soma, axon, synaptic knobQuestion 4.4.(TCOs 2, 3) Andy has decided to seek medical help for mood disturbances and appetite problems. Which neurotransmitter is most likely involved in the problems Andy is experiencing? (Points : 5) GABA Dopamine Serotonin AcetylcholineQuestion 5.5.(TCO 4) A sound mixer is impressed by the new equipment that was just installed in his recording studio. He says that now he will be able to help singers and musicians produce better CDs, because he can eliminate unneeded and undesired wavelengths. What term describes the characteristic of sound waves that the sound mixer is now able to alter? (Points : 5) Volleying Amplitude Frequency Saturation Question 6.6.(TCO 4) The tendency to complete figures that are incomplete is known as _____. (Points : 5) a figure-ground relationship closure similarity continuityQuestion 7.7.(TCO 5) Which of the following stages of sleep is marked by the production of very slow delta waves? (Points : 5) REM Stage 1 (N1) Stage 2 (N2) Stage 4 (N4)Question 8.8.(TCO 5) All of the following are signs of physical dependence related to cocaine EXCEPT _____. (Points : 5) compulsivity loss of control disregard for consequences of use obsessing about where to buy itQuestion 9.9.(TCOs 7, 8) For years, parents have wondered whether physical discipline of their children (spanking, for example) was an effective and acceptable practice. What findings from many research studies have promoted the idea that spanking a child may be a bad idea? (Points : 5) Children who were spanked at the age of 5 were more likely to show symptoms of depression at the age of 10. Spanking showed far more negative long-term effects when used on daughters as opposed to sons. Girls who were spanked as a form of punishment in toddlerhood were more likely to experience a premature entry into puberty. Children who were spanked at the age of 3 showed more aggressive tendencies by the age of 5.Question 10.10.(TCOs 7, 8) While watching the evening news, you see a story about domestic abuse and wonder, “Why would people stay in relationship where they are being abused?” According to Seligman, one factor that may contribute to victims staying in abusive relationships is _____. (Points : 5) observational learning learned helplessness conditioned emotional response instinctive driftQuestion 11.11.(TCOs 7, 8) “The effectiveness of memory retrieval is directly related to the similarity of cues present when the memory was encoded to the cues present when the memory is retrieved.” What concept does this statement describe? (Points : 5) Memorability Registered learning Encoding specificity Accessible decodingQuestion 12.12.(TCOs 7, 8 ) If _____ is like losing a document in the computer because of a power loss, _____ is like pushing the “save” key and having the document disappear instead of being stored. (Points : 5) anterograde amnesia; retrograde amnesia retrograde amnesia; anterograde amnesia adolescent amnesia; conductive amnesia procedural amnesia; implicit amnesiaQuestion 13.13.(TCO 8) You are learning Russian in preparation for a trip next summer. Although you are doing a good job recognizing the written signs you need to know, you are having trouble with the sounds of the Russian language. Which of the following aspects of language is giving you trouble? (Points : 5) Syntax Phonemes Morphemes AudiogramsQuestion 14.14.(TCO 8). In order to conclusively show that animals do use language, one would have to demonstrate that _____. (Points : 5) the language had an auditory, or sound, component the language had a genetic or instinctual base the language used arbitrary or abstract symbols the animals have the same vocal abilities as peopleQuestion 15.15.(TCO 10) Greta’s child has facial deformities, a smaller-than-normal head, heart defects, mental retardation, learning difficulties, and delayed growth. If these defects can be traced to a teratogen used by Greta when she was pregnant, which was she most likely abusing?(Points : 5) Nicotine Cocaine Marijuana Alcohol1.(TCO 10) At what stage of moral development is moral thought guided by principles that have been decided upon by the individual and may be in disagreement with accepted social norms? (Points : 5) Preoperational Preconventional Postconventional Conventional role conformity Question 2.2.(TCO 9) Thirst, sexual desire, and hunger are examples of _____ drives. (Points : 5) primary reduction secondary internalizedQuestion 3.3.(TCO 9) Which of the following is a criticism of Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs? (Points : 5) The highest level has never been attained. Self-actualization is actually a biological drive. The hierarchy does not have any focus on social needs. There is a lack of scientific support.Question 4.4.(TCO 11) Which of the following statements is true regarding the development of the sex organs in a baby? (Points : 5) The first sex organs appear far earlier in girls than in boys, because the organs do not require extra tissue for their formation. The first sex organs do not develop until the first 12 weeks of pregnancy are over, which is why pregnant parents cannot find out the gender of the baby until this point. The first sex organs, which are the gonads, are undifferentiated in male and female fetuses for the first month of pregnancy. The first sex organs appear far earlier in boys than in girls, because the organs are external as opposed to internal.Question 5.5.(TCO 11) According to research, the majority of gay or bisexual college men report they first became aware of their sexual orientation in _____. (Points : 5) junior high or high school middle school elementary school before entering schoolQuestion 6.6.(TCO 6) After we have decided that a certain event is a stressor, we must decide how we will deal with it and what resources are available for coping with the stressor. This process is called _____. (Points : 5) primary appraisal secondary appraisal tertiary appraisal distress-eustress dichotomyQuestion 7.7.(TCO 6) Vanna’s mother is ill and Vanna is feeling overwhelmed and sad. To cope with this stress of her mother’s illness, Vanna has been writing her feelings down in a journal. Vanna is using _____. (Points : 5) problem-focused coping emotion-focused coping distraction reappraisal Question 8.8.(TCO 13) The classic Robber’s Cave study showed that prejudice can be reduced by _____. (Points : 5) mere exposure relearning social norms cooperating to meet a mutually beneficial goal rethinking one’s stereotypesQuestion 9.9.(TCO 13) What actual event could have been predicted based on the results of Zimbardo’s classic prisoner study at Stanford University? (Points : 5) The prison break at Attica prison in New York The events in Waco, Texas, in which followers of a cult were killed by government agents The events at Abu Gharib prison in Iraq The attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001Question 10.10.(TCO 11) Anthony is sick of writing papers and studying for tests, but he knows he needs a college degree if he wants to be successful in his chosen career. So every morning, Anthony gives himself a dressing down—in essence, yelling at himself—to make himself get out of bed and go to classes and every evening he does the same thing to get himself to do his work. According to Freud, which personality structure is in control here? (Points : 5) Id Ego Unconscious SuperegoQuestion 11.11.(TCO 11) Karesh is from India and really cares about others’ welfare. His wife is Chinese and he is known for the fact that he does not adhere to strict rules and regulations. He is tolerant of others and plans to become a social worker. According to Hofstede, what type of cultural personality would Karesh be?(Points : 5) Highly individualistic Low in uncertainty avoidance Highly masculine FeminineQuestion 12.12.(TCO 11) When a patient arrives in the emergency room, he is restless and irritable with unlimited energy and a rapid rate of speech. The attending psychiatrist believes the patient has taken cocaine or amphetamines and admits him for observation. The next day, the symptoms are the same. What condition with symptoms that are similar to those associated with amphetamine use might the psychiatrist now consider as a condition that is relevant to the diagnosis? (Points : 5) Mania Dissociative fugue Conversion disorder Catatonic schizophreniaQuestion 13.13.(TCO 11) Which of the following is the biological explanation for mood disorders? (Points : 5) They are a result of learned helplessness. They are a result of anger turned inward on oneself. They are a result of distortions in thinking. They are a result of an imbalance of brain chemicals.Question 14.14.(TCO 12) Expressing empathy, developing the discrepancies between a client’s present behaviors and values, rolling with resistance, and supporting a client’s self-efficacy are the four pillars of _____. (Points : 5) motivational interviewing rational emotive therapy person-centered therapy contingency contractingQuestion 15.15.(TCO 12) A technique for treating phobias and other stress disorders in which the person is suddenly exposed to the fear-provoking situation or object in an intense way and is prevented from making the usual avoidance or escape response is called _____.(Points : 5) systematic desensitization flooding paradoxical intent aversive therapy

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