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Why Public Libraries are Not Used in the State of Kuwait

Why Public Libraries are Not Used in the State of Kuwait
Why Public Libraries are Not Used in the State of Kuwait Research Papers aim to explore the reasons why public libraries are not used in Kuwait.
In the United States, it is difficult to understand why a nation like Kuwait would not have public libraries. It is assumed that most educated societies would value the access to books and information.
An interesting research proposal for a political science course would be to explore the reasons Why Public Libraries are Not Used in the State of Kuwait. This research could look at the following aspects of Kuwait and the topic of libraries:

Gain a better understanding of non-usage of public libraries in general (anxiety, ignorance of their role etc)
Provide historical / social – cultural background
Identify the current role and policies of public libraries in public life in Kuwait (and compare it with the UK)
Sample a group targeted by public libraries
To identify practices of members of the sample
To elicit attitudes (reasons for not using libraries)
Propose recommendation to improve usage of the public libraries

How to Design a Study on Having Public Libraries in Kuwait

Introduction – explain design
In orders to achieve the design objective, focus on the following:

Propose literature review
Examination of official documents in Kuwait
Sampling staff/officials, and grips from the public library
Semi – structured ….and focus groups

Aims of the Study
The aims of a study:

Develop an understanding of what research is and an ability to identify and use appropriate strategies and techniques for the purpose of individual investigation and research
Research attitudes and skills of relevance to professional practice.

This study presents research as an important part of the repertoire of any professional, particularly in the light of recent emphasis on evidence-based practice and the reflective practitioner. The module will introduce a variety of research approaches and methods, principles of research design, and practical examples which would be as relevant in professional life as in academic research. In the context of the course, this module also acts as underpinning for the Masters dissertation.
In the early part of your study, you will have the opportunity to discuss possible topics with designated lecturers and prospective supervisor while the lectures will present ideas on appropriate methods to use. Regardless of whether students choose to continue to the Masters dissertation the Research Methods module presents a range of transferable skills and knowledge which are considered important in professional life. It is regarded as a core part of the course, and you are expected to undertake the module.
The module progresses from a more general overview of the research process and design to more specific topics covering particular research methods.
We begin by examining why research and research skills are important professionally, before looking briefly at the underlying theories that shape contemporary research in the social sciences and the humanities. The module will then focus on examples of specific approaches such as:


surveys (using quantitative and qualitative methods)

case studies, observations

content analysis and discourse analysis

historical research

hermeneutics (text-based research)

The range of research approaches listed above encompasses the different views on social research ranging from empirical and quasi-scientific approaches to more interpretive approaches. Some will be more relevant to you than others, depending on your chosen topic, the tradition of your discipline and, of course, your personal motivation behind your research.

Ideas Concerning Writing a Research Proposal

You will be asked to develop research ideas and identify a research topic at the beginning of the module and, according to their nature, you will be assigned to a suitable tutor. It is important that you choose a topic in which you have a strong and genuine interest. You are going to spend much time researching the topic you choose, and it is essential that you are enthusiastic about it.
Ideas for your research may come from previous study and experience. They may be stimulated by the topics covered in the taught parts of the course, introduced by staff in discussions and tutorials, or suggested by reading. Previous study may also have stimulated your interest. Perhaps you felt you did not have time to explore a topic in the depth you wanted to – the Masters Dissertation could be your opportunity to rectify that, and the Research Proposal is your starting point. Your choice of topic may even be influenced by your own career aspirations or personal interests as long as the research issues relate to the themes of the course. You should also bear in mind that, while you have substantial freedom in the choice of topic, your final decision should be made in conjunction with the module leader and your prospective Research Proposal supervisor. The primary constraints on the selection of the topic are:

it must be relevant to the broad area of your course

it will sustain a Masters-level investigation and be capable of treatment at a breadth and depth which will enable you meet the aims and objectives of both the Research Proposal and the Dissertation

it can be adequately researched with the resources available to you

there must be a member of staff from the Robert Gordon University who is both willing and able to supervise the research

It is understandable that there may be a repetition of similar topics from year to year and within the same year. However, it is unlikely that your research would follow a similar methodology and exactly the same objectives even though the topic may be in a similar area to that of another student. For example it may be from a different point of view or in a different context.
Finally, those of you who are undertaking the course on a part-time basis while in employment should be very careful about choosing a topic ‘for’ your employer. The most important thing about your research topic should be that it is something which will go beyond the type of ‘development project’ as the latter is likely not to fulfil the requirements of a Masters dissertation in terms intellectual input. It is also very important that the topic chosen should keep your interest for the next few months!

Group discussion in tutorials at the beginning of the semester should be helpful to generate ideas or clarify initial thoughts. However the main opportunity for clarification and refinement of the ideas will take place once the basic topic has been approved and a specific supervisor assigned to work with you on an individual basis. It is therefore in your interest not to delay the submission of your topic(s) as the allocation of tutors will work on a first come first served basis. Once the quota of individual staff is full, you may be asked to submit another topic or accept to be allocated to a tutor who is not an expert on your chosen topic.
General queries in the early stages should be addressed to me (s.davies@rgu.ac.uk), as should any general queries at later stages of the exercise. Once tutors are allocated, however, students should stay in regular contact with their own tutor for more specific support as the exercise progresses.

This research proposal aims to explore the reasons Why Public Libraries are Not Used in the State of Kuwait:
• Gain a better understanding of non-usage of public libraries in general (anxiety, ignorance of their role etc)
• Provide historical / social – cultural background
• Identify the current role and policies of public libraries in public life in Kuwait (and compare it with the UK)
• Sample a group targeted by public libraries
• To identify practices of members of the sample
• To elicit attitudes (reasons for not using libraries)
• Propose recommendation to improve usage of the public libraries

Introduction explain design (MIXED)
In orders to achieve objective
• Propose literature review
• Examination of official documents in Kuwait
• Sampling staff/officials, and grips from the public library
• Semi – structured ….and focus groups

1 Aims of the module
The aims of this module are to develop:
• an understanding of what research is and an ability to identify and use appropriate strategies and techniques for the purpose of individual investigation and research;
• research attitudes and skills of relevance to professional practice.
Research projects will only be supervised and allowed to go forward if a research proposal has been submitted and approved. Proposals approved by the School will be passed to External Examiners for information.
It is likely that most topics prepared in fulfillment of the Research Methods module requirements, will be topics which students subsequently investigate for their Master’s Degree dissertation. This is not, however, a formal requirement and you are free to undertake research for the dissertation in a different area. If you elect to do this, another short Research Proposal (approx. 2,000 words) for the new topic must be submitted for approval either to your supervisor or module leader.
Students who undertake the Master’s dissertation should appreciate that academic research at Masters level is a lengthy process which requires ongoing refinement of ideas and possible adjustment of proposed methods. It is recommended that you meet with your supervisor before the summer vacation and agree a program of drafting of chapters. Expect each chapter to go through several drafts before the final dissertation is ready for submission. It is therefore important that sufficient time is left before the final submission date for this process of re-drafting and editing to take place in order not to jeopardize chances of success.

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